Thursday, January 26, 2006

Knight Rider...what happened to you?!?!?!

Okay, first of all, you have to...HAVE TO... click on the link below. I don't know if its because of the 50+ hours work devoted to work and the 10+ hours I've devoted to driving because of work, but tonight I found myself in unfamiliar territory on the world wide web.

1 - I found myself watching a music video. Yes, this, in and of itself, isn't so terribly strange, but honestly...who watches music videos anymore? every time i tune into mtv or vh1, i'm blessed with such programming as "I Love the 90's" or some college-aged dating show where they cart five guys around in an RV watching one of their comrades on a blind date with a pretty, yet ditzy bikini-clad 20-something who could, at any time she wants, decide she didn't want to be out with the guy anymore and trade him in for the next guy sitting in the RV...not that I really watch it or anything...

2 - I wondered if David Hasselhoff was actually any good as a singer. I mean... how terrible could he be if he's such a singing sensation in Germany...or wherever the heck he's so popular.

Combine these two, and what did I find myself doing??? Watching a David Hasselhoff music video. Now, I'm not sure whether Mr. Knight Rider himself actually consented to doing this music video while sober. I mean, he should sue whoever had the bright idea of this music video, or for that matter, the person who actually was able to convince him that this video was an awesome idea. Whoever that person was should be running for some political office because they sure as heck can showcase some persuasion skills...

You gotsta see this...I personally like it when they break out into the "ooga chakka, ooga chakka, ooga chakka" chant... or when he dons the eskimo outfit and sort of catches a fish with his mouth... or the flying...I like the flying. I'm just glad that he's "hooked on a feeling."

I'm sorta-kinda wondering if that "feeling" he was "hooked on"when he approved this music video may have come from a substance he may have baked into brownies...and had eaten the whole pan... hmmm...

Click here if I've gotten you just a wee bit fascinated...

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I've always prided myself in my ability to be patient. It's been the thing that has kept me feeling in the right sometimes. For instance, if I finally give up on something, I'll justify myself by saying, "well, I gave it a chance, I was patient...its not my fault it didn't work out."

Today, I read a quote that has really opened my eyes:

"Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice." ~ George Jackson ~

I wonder how many times I've been a coward in my lifetime claiming that I was just trying to be patient. I'll have to work on this.

The Red Swing

Last night I was sad. Just one of those run-of-the-mill sad evenings.

Since Florida's weather has been pretty agreeable as of late, I decided to go for a little walk. I stepped out of my front door intending to go left to my favorite spot in my neighborhood at night, the bridge all lit up, but since it is also in a high traffic area, I decided to turn right. As I was walking, I realized that I was going towards this little park, and in that park was a little playground that I had been meaning to visit.

So, with a plan in mind, I headed out to the playground, specifically the swings. I love swings, but I'll get back to that in a second.

The first thing I saw when I got to the park was the big jungle-gym-y type of thing. It was long, had two little swinging bridges, the part where you can try to make it across using only the hanging hand-hold things and a little area where, if you held on to a hand-hold thing on rollers, it'll feel like you're flying through the air. I like that thing.

It also had a twisty slide, a pole...and several other delights to children. The rest of the playground consisted of a seesaw (I know!!! I thought they practically outlawed those things on playgrounds a while ago due to liability issues!!!!!), a long deck looking thing on springs that could rock back and forth, a tire swing and finally...the swings.

I went to the swings. because I love swings!!! I remember in third grade, we were the ones that owned the swingset at my old elementary school. They were two sets of swings. It's poles stood out really high giving one the ability to swing really high (which was so cool!). I know there were three swings in each of the two sections, but in each section, there was a red swing, a blue swing...and I can't remember the last swing. I can't remember because it wasn't the important swing.

You know how when you go to Disneyland/Magic Kingdom, and you're standing in line for the tea cups...and the whole time you're watching each round of the tea cups in order to see which tea cups could go the fastest? It didn't matter that the ones that were going the fastest had big kids or fathers who were stronger and trying to make the tea cups go, for some reason you really wanted that tea cup that the other people had...since, yeah, it must have been the tea cup and not the people inside it that made it fast, right???

Anyways, back in third grade, the red swings were the ones to have. I don't know how we determined that the red swing was the best one that could take you higher than the other swings, but it was. The blue swings were the second best, and the other one, was just for people who weren't taking swinging seriously or something, and wanted to be with us kids on the blue or red swings. When we had to share the playground with the other grades, us third graders were older than the littler kids who wanted to swing, but still young enough that we wanted to swing, unlike the 4th - 6th graders who were starting to get "too big" for the playground and were out playing kickball and other things.

That being said, my friends and I would race outside and try to grab the red or blue swings. We would then swing the whole entire recess period, talking, laughing, sailing up in the air. Sometimes we get a push or an "under-doggy" where the person who is pushing you would give you a great big push while running completely under you. But of course, we'd start out with our little game of sitting in the swing with no motion, and, without a push or putting your feet down, we'd see who could be the first one to start actually swinging. This would be accomplished by trying to rock back and forth from a still position. It was quite fun to race with my friends and see who could start actually swinging first.

I was thinking about all of that while swing on the really short swing at my neighborhood park. It was so short, that I had to curl my legs uncomfortably close or risk slamming them on the ground everytime I swung down (which happens quite a bit, you could imagine).

Being a kid was so nice. No work problems or problems thinking about the future (future to a 3rd grader is what's for hot lunch tomorrow, the spelling test each Friday, or hoping that during tomorrow's "Around the World" multiplication game, I didn't have to go up against Katie Snyder, the genius child who caught up and eventually passed our grade...well, that last one was probably just mine). As a third grader, I didn't worry about relationships or remembering to pay the mortgage.

As I swung, I leaned back and watched the star swing in and out of my view. I remembered when I loved to sit outside and my biggest fear was getting called back inside before I found Orion's Belt ( know that's the first constellation young Adventists learned about).

After I swung a little bit more, I explored the playground more. It was really nice and I had everything to myself!

I started feeling better after that. Its amazing how hard it is to write something like this and not mention specifics on my life and what's really going through my head. Yes, I am still finding it hard to actually share my thoughts and feelings on here. Maybe later. :)

Friday, January 20, 2006

For your viewing pleasure

Found this website today entitled daily dancer today. I'm assuming this guy plans on posting a dance a day, and people can even request songs for him to dance go. He could do with a little bit more thought into his routine, but then again, how can one complain when in the end, one feels entertained?

Off the topic, but I've realized that I haven't really had many thoughts or life-happenings that have been blog-worthy...I'm gonna have to do something about that...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

SDA Beauty & the Geek

Okay, folks, first a filipino SDA was on "So You Think You Can Dance," now...come to find out, one of the beauties on "Beauty & The Geek 2" probably is SDA, went to Southern and graduated from Oakwood in 2003.

Oh, SDA's are starting to be represented in today's mainstream pop culture - REALITY SHOWS!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Help dress this guy

Okay, so the other day I'm watching my favorite morning show, The Daily Buzz, and they start talking about this one guy's website. Apparently he didn't know clothes or how to dress himself well, so in order to better himself, he started a website at where people can go to vote on what they think he should wear, and he'll actually wear it!

Oh, yeah, and this is a longshot, but I think his name is Kevin.

On the website he's shown all his shirts, pants, shoes, accessories,, take pity on the guy... VOTE!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006


Check out this BlondStar video - a parady on the OnStar commercials.

Be sure to turn up your volume!!!

Midwest...Here I Come!!!

I'm not sure if this is the same quiz I'm seen on another's blog a while back, but somehow it was sent to me via email, and I decided to take it to see how I scored.

This quiz asks, I believe, 20 questions regarding your thoughts and views on certain important aspects of religion, then, based off of the score, it will tell you which religion your beliefs match up with the best.

My highest scores were:

1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (90%)
3. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (83%)
4. Jehovah's Witness (83%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (83%)

Please note that my beliefs coincide 100% with conservative Christian/Protestants, 90% Liberal Christian Protestants...then a tie among the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the SDA's.

Wow...that's crazy! The test said, however, that scoring 100% does not mean my views are all shared by those of that faith, or vice versa.

In California, I am now considered a conservative SDA. In Florida, I'm sometimes deemed a liberal SDA. Hmmm...makes me kinda want to go live in the Midwest or something...just to see how I fare there. =)

If you would like to see how you score, take the test! It's called Belief-O-Matic. Let me know how you score!!!

Confused and Dazed...

I'm sitting here staring at my computer typing this, yet, at the same time, i'm just watching the words appear on the i know i'm doing this, yet i'm so exhausted and worked over enough that i'm really not sure what i'm doing right now...

this week has been so very busy. we were working on a project, and they weren't letting us go until the standard 10pm. we actually were able to finish before they thought, so they let us out (sounds like a prison, huh) early last night.

to celebrate my unexpected freedom, i went and saw Memoirs of a Geisha. All by myself...which, by the way, doesn't really bother me! I kinda liked it actually! Going to see a movie by myself is somewhat of a treat for me. Its hard for some people to understand that I actually like going to a movie by myself, but its true!

Anyways...i also stayed up late catching up on TiVo'ed shows i wasn't able to see during the week, then found myself dozing off at 2am.

This week has been busy, but not necessarily stressful. i'm preparing for a two-week stint for work which requires (once again) two hours of commute starting next week. Thank goodness i have my audiobooks thanks to

(On a side note, I'm totally into this series called The Wheel of Time. I am now on the fourth book...)

Anyhow, this week has been trying on so many levels. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Doesn't it feel as if when it rains, it pours?

Thank goodness for our day of rest. I fully intend on taking advantage of this wonderful day. Happy Sabbath!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Self Betterment

It's the start of a new year, and I've already heard several references to what friends and family want to do differently this year. Eat better, exercise more, be better with their devotionals, spend more time with those they love...

I have a friend whose mom is in the hospital right now with chest pains. She has something (a pretty long name that I wouldn't be able to give to you at the moment...other than "mio"...which is somewhere in the middle of the word) where a vein of her heart developed within the heart, so, now that she's getting up in her years, its harder for her vein to not get all squished down everytime her heart beats.

(Please keep in mind, I have a degree in accounting for goodness sakes...)

My friend is obviously concerned, but she doesn't seem all torn up about it, so I think it's going to be okay. They don't know if they're going to have to operate quite yet.

Anyways, this time of year always makes me yearn for home, family, California, etc. Hearing about what my friend is going through really struck me. I am blessed that my parents are taking care of themselves, though time can't be stopped no matter what you do.

My goal this year is to reevaluate what is important in my life. And when I come up with something, I want to do something about it. REALLY.

So, if it's telling a friend that they're appreciated, spending more time (somehow) with family, taking steps toward doing something I want to be doing...SO BE IT!

There...I've made my declaration...we'll see what happens. =)

Oh...and I want to learn to play the guitar and learn more things...but since I'm busy at the moment, I'll just pop onto this website every once in a while. =)

No...they DIDN'T!!!

If you liked that song "Baby Got Back," well...take a look at this little treasure.

Thanks, Annette...'s little brother!!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's - 2006

I can't believe its now 2006!!! This year holds tons, weddings of close family and friends, and my big 10-year highschool reunion!!!

So, what better way to ring in the new year with friends goofing off like the big adults we are!!! We decided to find dresses we would've thought were soooo cool when we were much-much younger, or at least dresses we would never in a million years wear now and sport them for the evening. It only lasted through dinner, but it was fun.

Here us, the nice happy-family picture. Don't we look so mature?

Here's who we really are...
Girls Picture on the stairs, dang...can't believe how hot we look!!!!!
...and again, letting our personalities take over...

Boys can't see it well, but Eliasib let me do his turned out soo well!!! :)

What was she drinking?!?!?!?!

Imagine if these two actually were drinking something fermented!!! =)

Napoleon Dynamite picture pose...I think that turned out really nice, girls!!!

...don't we look like kids playing house?

All in all, I think the evening flew by, and it was awesome to welcome the new year with friends.