Thursday, January 07, 2010

Graduation and Family

So, the weekend before Christmas, the hubby and I flew out to Florida to see my sis-in-law's graduation from the University of Central Florida. It was the second time I had gone to a graduation at UCF and the first time at the new area. The hubby also graduated from UCF, but he didn't feel it was necessary to march. Surprisingly, the hubby doesn't like to be the center of attention for everything! Like for instance, birthdays and graduations, he would sooner just pass over any recognition of the event...

Anyhow, here's a pic of my other sis-in-law, Carrie, my mom-in-law, Argentina, bro-in-law, Ruben and the hubby right before going into the arena and munching on bananas (disgusting, I feel, in its natural state!!! ick!). Oh...UCF has started to become a larger school over the last couple years. This is the school that Michael Jordan's son now atteds...

Here's a picture of Glorybell throwing out some attitude. Congratulations, Glory!

We spent a LOT of time outside taking some pictures. Here is one of the siblings and their spouses...and Ivan...someday spouse!


Afterwards, we went and had lunch at P.F. Chang's. Surprisingly, Eliasib and I haven't had it since moving out to California - probably because it was in Florida, and hubby likes to experience "new" things since moving to Cali. It was yummy!!! I had my favorite - Dan Dan Noodles! We also met up with Eliasib's best friend, Alex. Here's a pic of him and his son. Seriously, this little man has the most beautiful eyes! He's so going to be a heartbreaker. Alex (and his wife, Alexandra) have a younger son and another on the way. It still baffles Eliasib how he used to hang with Alex as unmarried guys and travel Europe or go skydiving...

Oh...Here's a pic of hubby and I during the graduation. It was so big and there was speeches and stuff...we got a little bored. Ther's lots of these self portraits, but here's my favorite one.

After lunch, we visited hubby's aunts. Here's tia Norma and tio Nene (don't know spelling...)

Here's tia Nena (spelling??? Dunno)

December is also the in-law's anniversary. I don't know why I don't have a picture of the happy couple, but I have pictures of the food we ate at the awesome Turkish restaurant in Winter Park! Here's Eliasib's vegetarian dish. It tasted yummo!

Here's Ivan's chicken kebob-by thingy. Looked yummy! dish was sooooooooo good! I was sad we were leaving the next day because i really wanted the left overs...but it went home with Ivan who I trust ate the heck out of it!

After flying home, Eliasib and I got into San Francisco and, being that it was 9am, we decided to spare our family and take public transportation most of the way home. We BARTed (Bay Area Rapid Transit) from the airport to the Ferry Building in S.F. and ferried the rest of the way back to Vallejo. Here we are after barely any sleep and flying across the country on the ferry boat. I'm still trying to figure out if the hubby looks cute in this pic or a little creepy...I'll go for cute. =)

I realized that getting pictures of Alcatraz and San Francisco and the Golden Gate bridge from the ferry is cool since you can't get those angles from here are a couple shots I took from the ferry.

It was a fun trip! I'll post about some of our other adventures and visits with friends in Florida in another post. Have a great day, all!!


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