Saturday, July 11, 2009


So, this year, my sister pushed us to plan a family trip, even though it was a short one. And you know, I'm glad she did! We had a blast!!! My sister found this really cool cabin that we all pitched in and rented for a long weekend - Thursday to Sunday.

We really enjoyed our trip...though, unfortunately, I was SICK! I was reminded that I have a habit of getting sick before and during vacations - evidence: last year's cruise during our Christmas trip out to Florida. So, I do not have pictures of Sabbath when everyone packed sandwiches and hiked out to a beautiful (I hear) waterfall and see (I hear) a great view. *sigh* Your's truly was back in the cabin asleep. Oh, was still fun, and I hope we can do it again later and for a longer time frame.

Here are some pictures:

Here's a picture of my niece, Savannah. She's almost a year old now and has such a personality. We were sitting outside at a restaurant for my sister-in-law's birthday.
Here's my sister-in-law's birthday "cake," and although I'm not a huge dessert person, that THING was GOOD!!! Probably didn't help my sickness...come to think of it, I was pretty sick the next day. Still, that was REALLY good!!!
Aww, Angela and Demetrio. Cute!!!
On Friday, we went out to the lake. Being Filipino, we set up camp in the shade under a tree. For sure, I didn't get in the water, but that didn't stop the hubby from jumping in to the ice cold water. There was still snow on the mountain tops in the background. Eventually, my brother-in-law, Brad, joined my crazy husband in the water...crazy!!!

Oh, was cold!
Friday and Sabbath morning, my brother took charge of breakfast. Yummy!!!
In the cabin Thursday night. Hmmm...what does a family do when they are on vacation? Apparently read a magazine or surf the internet, right???
I'll end with another picture of my adorable niece. =)
It was so much fun to spend time with the family. I hope we make a habit of this!!!


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