Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Season #2

So, this year, my mom wanted Christmas we all dressed up and went to get some pictures taken. Maybe I'll post of those pictures! In the mean time, here's a pic of the hubby and I in the waiting room.

Here's another...wait a minute...who's taking this picture on my camera??? =)
For Christmas, we all went to my auntie Eding's house. It was another small crowd, but it was one of the most fun Christmases we've had in a couple years! For one, the TV wasn't turned on once during the evening, so we definitely had some family bonding! We bonded through food and games. Here's a picture of everyone there right before opening presents. Our family members absent due to distance, we miss you all!!!

Here's a picture of my (back row), Jun, Eli, Neil (front row), Angela, Jeremy (filling in for me since this is, apparently, a married couples picture) and Faith. Faith and Neil, our newest married couple in the Patricio family are becoming Hawaii residents in less than a week. On the one hand, we're going to miss yet more family around...but seriously, THEY'RE MOVING TO HAWAII!!! Hopefully we can take them up on their invitation to visit. =)
Ah, yes, the head of the family - Inang and Tatang! Love my grandparents. Aren't they cute???

Ooooo!!! Caught the hubby sneaking food before we officially starting eating. Busted!!!
The hubby getting the Patricio family history lesson while looking at some pictures from many, many moons ago.
Here's Savannah's first Christmas with Auntie Eding. She had a good time though didn't quite make it to the presents time since we wait until midnight on Christmas Eve to open presents.

We also had a small family get together at my sister's house. Here are the parentals.
Eli...helping my sister cook? That doesn't seem right...oh, wait, I think he just popped over for the picture. Okay, that's more like it!
Oh, yes, and here's the proud parents showing off how their daughter can now sit up on her own. Well, its either that or they're grooming her for a life in the of those...

I love this picture of my sister and Savannah. So cute!!!

It was so nice to spend so much time with family. I look forward to New Years, too!


At 11:23 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas!! :)


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