Saturday, December 27, 2008

Florida 08

I'm loving the month of December! It was packed full of stuff, and I'm happy to report, not much working going on! =) hehe... people are too busy with the holidays to schedule audits, and that's fine and dandy with me! It has allowed me to take some time off GUILT-FREE and visit with family and friends and ... wait for it... RELAX! Oh, it has been so great to be happy and not stressed. It has done wonders for me! I feel more like myself, and that is always a good thing, don't you think? In December, I have not worked a full week yet! Here's what I've been doing:

December started out with a trip down south for the weekend with the hubby and my brother's birthday (see below post).

On December 11, the hubby and I flew out to Orlando to be with his parents and family for his parent's 40th anniversary. What they wanted for their anniversary was for everyone to be together, so how more together can we be than on a weekend cruise to the Bahamas?!?!?!?! It was a lot of fun...other being sick for the majority of the weekend and that we were denied our second stop because of bad whether and had to stay on the boat a full extra day!

But, honestly, I only have good memories of the cruise. Here are a couple pictures:

Valerie & Eliasib on the last night of the cruise in the theater waiting for the last show to start.

The Ruban family during the dress-up dinner (Valerie, meanwhile, was sleeping a fever off in her cabin and didn't get to wear her pretty, new dress - boo!).

Picture of our cruise boat. What a pretty day in Nassau!

Valerie & hubby on the first night at dinner.

Carrie & Ruben at dinner. What a cute couple! They were so happy just to be out of freezing, snowy Chicago! We're looking forward to seeing them just before New Years, too!

The happy couple celebrating their 40th. Wish we could live closer so we could spend more time together!
Glorybell and Ivan - my sister-in-law and "future" brother-in-law.
When we got back to Orlando, we had a couple days to do errands and hang out with the family and friends. Here's a picture of dinner with some of our bestest friends:
Sean & Eli. Eli misses his mean, his buddy.

Elizabeth (and Ethan) and Kristen...miss you girls! It was so nice to see these two who I miss so much. Wish we had more time!

All in all, our Florida trip was fabulous. Wish we could it more often and for longer!!!


At 11:26 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Ah. :) We miss you too! It was so much fun to see you and catch up!


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