Sunday, November 23, 2008

California Living

Hey! Long time no write! I know, I know...I've been so very delinquent. Well, hopefully life has slowed down enough so I can post a little bit more often.

For a change of pace, I'm going to post about something OTHER than work. =)

This last weekend we celebrated an extention of the husband's birthday by going to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. He had been wanting to go for a long time, and this weekend, Jun and Angela were able to join us in the visit!

We had a ton of fun. We saw lots of fish and animals (stuffed...its not a zoo) as well as saw a 3D bug show and a planetarium program. As much as I would love to say those shows were great, I have to admit that I slept through both programs and only saw a tidbit of them. But what I saw was great! =) The planetarium show was amazing...if you ever have a chance to see it, do!

They had closed the museum down for a bit to renovate it, and it just opened this fall. Part of the renovations included a "living roof." It consisted of covering the roof in flowers, grass, etc. It was really a sight.

The inside was redone as well. Here we are exiting the planetarium show and walking across the catwalk.

Oh, yeah, and Eli couldn't resist making friendly with the, uh, skeletons?

Pretty fishies!!!

For all of our Florida friends, here's a picture to assure you that Eli's still the same guy...hasn't change a bit!

Other things going on??? Our celebration of the hubby's birthday!

And...of course, my precious, most adorable niece. Remember those pictures I posted of her right after she was born? Look at her now! Of course, this is her "boy" outfit. She is, afterall, part Villar...therefore, she has 49er fan blood in her! =) (We're ignoring her Cowboy fan father).

Here are various other pictures of my niece, Savannah:
With Mommy...not only is she the object of a million pictures, already, but we have no doubt she'll follow after her mother in her photography interests.

Here's a picture of me holding Sav when she was a little younger. Cute, huh???

Here's her two month picture with the bear. My sister's taking a picture of Sav with the bear each month to visually see how much she's grown. Her three month picture looked like they were almost the same height! Almost. Isn't this such a funny picture? She is very expressive with her eyebrows, and she always is giving us this concerned look. It makes her look so "old" for her 3 1/2 months.
In October, we also celebrated my parents' anniversary. Don't they look great? I'm so blessed to have such wonderful and supportive parents.

...and somewhere in there, I try to find as much fun as possible. Unfortunately, the girls didn't win this particular "Battle of the Sexes" game. The boys got lucky, for sure!

I'm sooo looking forward to this holiday season. Thanksgiving, Christmas... yay!


At 12:14 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Great pictures!!!! :)

And I'm very relieved to see that Eli is still the same Eli!

Can't wait to see you guys soon :)

At 1:27 AM , Blogger Shtank said...

What an adorable child! I just want to take her home:) Val, you look pretty comfortable with that cute baby girl...hmmm. And Eli cracks me up in the picture with the Alligator skull. Silly guy. I hope all is well with you guys and that you have a wonderful Christmas season. Please gimme a call if you get into town before December 23. I don't leave for Texas till then and would love to catch up with you.




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