Happy Birthday to me!
...and I'm 30!
I am a happy 30-year old, though. No regrets, I am happy where my life is, and I can't complain! Here are my birthday highlights:
Breakfast at Mama's on Washington Square. This is what showed up on our table. It was good food and even on a Tuesday morning, there was a line at least 15 people deep (you have to wait outside since there's no room inside except for those eating). After breakfast, we hung out at Washington Square just people watching. There were asian people visiting with each other and performing Tai Chi...or something close. There was the drunk and the people walking their dogs. We also went into a nice church. I have pictures of those things, but I didn't want to get carried away with this post and take too long and then not post...ya know how these things go.
Yes, I'm starting my job tomorrow. It's been a fun three months off, but back to the grown up world I go. My husband is here in beautiful California. We've spent time together and celebrated our one year anniversary (pictures and post to come, for sure), I'm starting a new job which hopefully I'll enjoy, and I'm 30! A lot of things have happened in the last year.
Here's to a new year of life!
Wow! Good job Eli! :)
Eli, love the coach bag!!!
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