Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm still here. Sorry about not posting for a while. Ya see...I don't have a computer here in Cali, and my dad's computer, although pretty new...HAS PROBLEMS! I can't wait until the hubby gets out here so he can heal this computer of all its woes.

For instance: I can't really plug in an external drive! I have a couple little thumb drives and a larger 60 gig that has pictures and documents and stuff. Anyways, when I plug one of those suckers in, the computer freezes up!

Computers are a blessing...when they work properly. Just like everything else in this world, you don't miss or appreciate something until its GONE. A fast connection, a computer that doesn't freeze up...I miss that.

The hubby can make it better, I just know it! Can't wait until he gets here in a couple weeks. Can't believe I haven't seen him in over a month! What was that saying - "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? It's true!


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