Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello! This is Oreo writing. I hijacked the computer while that chic over there is talking to that tall guy who's been around a lot lately.


This has been my life over the last couple days:

Here's me, sitting by my favorite window in Orlando. Yeah, there normally isn't a blow-up air mattress by it, but considering all the furniture disappearances going on in my house, I wasn't too weirded out by the air mattress. Well, it was a nice day last Tuesday! Things were as normal as they could be with my owner around all the time. Something about her last day at work was last Friday or something.

What's a Friday?

Anyways, I was minding my own business, when...
I'M IN A BAG! For you cats out there, if there are treats in a bag...DON'T JUST GOT FOR THEM! At least there were windows in the bag. It wasn't the roomiest thing, but at the same time, that wasn't the worst thing about the day! I was in that bag forEVER! I was carried around in this place called an A-I-R-P-O-R-T and lots of people were around me. I didn't get to see a lot of them because I was always shoved under the seat near my she-owner.
It was a long trip but it didn't feel as bad as when they would take me to the vet. For some reason I was just sort of mellow...something about kitty tranquilizer pills from the vet. What's prozac? She said it was like that.

So we get here. Whereever HERE is...and look what they are now forcing me to put up with! I mean, what IS that thing! Is it a stuffed animal, is it one of those annoying "DOG" things? Ick, gross...and apparently, even though he's HUGE, he's only, like, five months old. Seriously...soo immature! Always wanting to play and stuff. I've put him in his place a couple times...when I wander out from my room downstairs.Oh...and my owner aparently has a mom. It's her birthday today, so you know what I'll be doing! Hiding under my bed, of course! She seems nice, but she's always carrying me around like this! SOO unflattering... just because the vet says I'm 17 pounds doesn't me I'm fat! I mean, I'm big-boned! It's in my genes...its not my fault they don't let me out to get exercise. I don't care if they say there are coyotes around...I could take them!

Anyways, this is my new perch and view. It's not bad, but its not home...yet.
In the mean time, my owner took a picture of me from my GOOD side. All this stress, moving, flying...and I'm still as AWESOME as can be!!! Dang...she's back! See ya later!


At 1:30 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Hahaha. Sorry Oreo. That sounds like a very traumatizing experience. But Bisous said to let you know that you'll settle in to your new home soon. :) Unless of course your she-owner wants to come back to Orlando!!!! :)

At 2:25 PM , Blogger Kristen Gleason said...



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