Saturday, January 19, 2008

Peace...through violence?

This morning, I turned to my Bible for comfort.

I will be the first to admit that I need to rework my devotional life...because it is nonexistent! I turn to my Bible in times of need and sadness... but it is not part of my everyday growth and stability in God. I'm working on that.

In the mean time, I thought I'd share what brought a smile to my face this morning.

I love Psalms! Mostly because it reminds me that I am not alone in what I am feeling. David went through trials, he felt alone and full of anxiety and turned to God for reassurance.

Psalm 55 holds several passages that I turn to often during these times:

"Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles. My enemies shout at me, making loud and wicked threats, they bring trouble on me, hunting me down in their anger.

My heart is in anguish. The terror of death overpowers me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me. I can't shop shaking.

Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. How quickly I would escape - far away from this wild storm of hatred." (verses 1-8)

*sigh* Oh to have wings like a dove to fly away and REST. Those eight verses really spoke to me! David felt that way, too? Reading further down the chapter, you come to the following passage:

"But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I plead aloud in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He rescues me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, even though many still oppose me. God, who is king forever, will hear me and will humble them...Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you." (verses 16-19, 22)

Isn't that great? Morning, noon and night, the Lord hears me.

Now, you may be wondering about the title of this post - "Peace...through violence?" As I was reading through the book of Psalm, I did have to smile at something. In the middle of David describing his woes and prayers to God for comfort, it sure looks like David got MAD! And when you're other humans do...we wish bad things against those who are against us. Is that right? Probably not...yet, it made me smile to picture David muttering under his breath the things he would like to see to his opponents:

"Let death seize my enemies by surprise; let the grave swallow them alive for evil makes its home within them." (P55:15)

"Break off their fangs, O God! Smash the jaws of these lions, O Lord! May they disappear like water into thirsty ground. Make their weapons useless in their hands. May they be like snails that dissolve into slime..." (P57:6-8a)

I like that last one - seriously, David? Snail slime? Okay, that had to make me smile since, could you picture actually saying that phrase to someone who's grating on your nerves?

Anyways...I do feel better and at ease, for now, after opening up God's word. I know my fears and anxiety will be back, but I know, too, that support is there from my Heavenly Father, in so many forms.


At 1:16 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Ha Ha. Can you imagine saying that to someone? "May you be like snail slime!" Anyways. The Psalms are a great source of comfort and encouragement. Thanks for sharing :)


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