Saturday, November 17, 2007

I have tried to post since the last one!

Well...i tried to post once, last Sunday, and wouldn't you know it, my internet wasn't working! Anyways, I saved what I wrote, so here's my world about a week ago:

So I'm sick. But I'm unwisely ignoring the congestion, runny nose, scratchy throat and cough. I don't know why, but I've always been the kind to just go ahead and take the Tylenol and tough it out. I mentioned my sickness to my mom yesterday, and that's actually what she said to do!

We Villars don't take much stock in being sick. dad drove himself to the ER last year. We just don't make big deals out of being sick. I mean, isn't most of it just a state of mind?

Yeah, not really, but I still try to view it in that manner.

In the mean time, I'm sick but having to take care of business - in both personal and work life. The girls upstairs are moving out! Kristen M. is the proud owner of a brand new townhouse, and Kristen G. is going to be her first roommate/tenant. Yes, half the people living in my house are named Kristen. Hehe...

So you know what that means! The hubby and I will be living alone! Of course, they're leaving this week, and we will then be busy with friends and family from out of town coming to stay with us/visit over the Thanksgiving holiday. I will hopefully have lots of pictures and stories from these visits to post in the upcoming week(s). One of my most precious friends, Stacey, is coming to Orlando with her hubby and friends, and we'll be able to spend time together! She wasn't able to come to my wedding, so it'll be so fabulous for her to finally meet my hubby.

Anyways, today was spent laundering, organizing, cleaning, sweeping, separating, etc. It was then followed-up by a group of people getting together to watch The Amazing Race.


So I'm back, and guess what! The sickness came back and plagued me all day Monday. I stayed home from work that day and rested. Therest of the week was a fairly good one! Hmmm... now, when I say "a fairly good one," that means I wasn't stressed completely to my wits end, and no one I was responsible for at work killed anyone else. There is still tribulation and strife at work, but not as much, so we can leave it at that, right?

Anyways, Friday truly ran together! Someone from my department is leaving next week, so I was responsible for picking up a good-bye cake-ish thing. Now, Friday, we were also having the department Thanksgiving dinner! We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, greenbean casserole, corn casserole, apple and pumpkin pies, etc. We had the whole spread, so i decided i was going to be cool and original and get her a cookie-cake! I ordered it in Orlando planning to pick it up Thursday night before I left before dawn on Friday for work and an 8am meeting! At about 10pm Thursday night, I remembered that I forgot to pick up the cake! Fantastic! *sigh* This resulted in me having to wake up earlier than usual to drive the hour to work and still have time to pick up a cake at the grocery store!

Story doesn't end there! I pick up the cake and ask them to write "Best Wishes Tara" on it. I snuck a peak at my cake on my way to the check out counter, and what did it say? "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA." So, yes, I had to go back there, and DEMAND that they fix their mistake!!! oh, it was actually easier than i thought it would be, and it was done within 10 minutes!

Well, long story short, Tara had a birthday cake, and my husband, for his early birthday party, got a:

I'm such a good wife, aren't I? =) There were 11 candles on it!

He got an ice cream cake, too, with 11 candles on it...
And a Krispy Kreme donut "cake" with 11 candles on it as well (one's in the back). Yes, the hubby is turning 33! His task, which he took on, was to blow all 33 candles out on all three "cakes" in one breath. Here's him taking a deep breath...

...and here's him losing his breath after Sean yelled out, "WAAAIT!!!" That was pretty startling, and funny! =)

In the end, he blew out 24 out of the 33 candles. Not bad for an old foggey! =)
After we ate, some people left, and the rest of us stayed for a very rousing game of "Apples to Apples: Bible Edition." It was a ton of fun and quite memorable. Let's just say that I don't think any of us present will be able to forget the MVP play of the game.

All in all, it was a lot of fun seeing and being with friends and the perfect way to end a work week. Eliasib's birthday is actually Monday, November 19, so if you weren't able to come out, be sure to harrass him on Monday! =)


At 11:05 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! That's hilarious that Eli got your coworker's best wishes cake!!


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