Friday, March 28, 2008

Last Days in Orlando

My last days in Orlando were packed with seeing as many people as we could, moving, fixing up the house(s) for our renter(s) - THANK YOU, HUSBAND! - and good-bye parties. We also fit in a couple theme parks! So, let's get started!

The man and I have had season tickets to Sea World Orlando the majority of our relationship! It was something we thought would be fun to get together, and we never discontinued the membership because it was a lot of fun to use on a lazy day or when the man was missing seeing animals. We decided to take one last trip out to Sea World with Kristen and Elizab-eth(an) [get it? Elizabeth AND Ethan were made into one name? heehee...]

The whale show is usually a must-see...

and the animal show where they get birds, dogs, CATS, mice, and a pig or so to perform tricks. This one has to be our favorite show at the park. So clever and fun to watch. Always makes us wonder how we can train our cat, though we usually laugh at ourselves afterwards for even SUGGESTING such a thing would be possible...train Oreo...heehee!!
At work, my department was so nice to throw a going-away party for my co-worker and me. I still say it was mostly for her because she had been there a zillion years longer than I had been! But either way, it was a lot of fun. After the department party, there was cake and punch for anyone who wanted to see us off. We saw a lot of people which was really, really nice.

oh...yummy food!!!
Before we left, we were able to celebrate with Kristen her latest and greatest birthday! A couple of us went to The Melting Pot and had the cheese and chocolate fondues. What is it about gathering around a hot pot of melted cheese or chocolate and dipping stuff in it that is so much fun??? We had two types of chocolate and two types of cheese. Can't remember what they were, but they were SOOO GOOD!

Here are the fondu-ers...minus Sean and the picture taker - me!

Kristen was so sweet to also throw us a going away party. Here's a picture of the the time. People were coming and going all evening, but it was nice to see some people before I left. Such good friends, those Floridians!
Oh! The second theme park we visited was "The Holy Land Experience." We always wondered what it was like in there, and we got the chance to visit along with the church group Eli's cousins belonged to in Miami. We figured we could see family and the theme park we always passed while going to the mall. We barely got in, though, because of everyone trying to visit during the Easter season!
The park was interesting. There was a temple area where musical plays were performed. I do have to admit that the music and performers were really great.
The exhibits were interesting, though we did get caught (trapped) in a very LONG exhibit which walked you through the evolution of the Bible. A sign that an exhibit should be shortened is when little old ladies are practically knocking people over to get to the doors! Standing all day and then trapped in an hour-ish exhibit with no place to really sit was not the greatest feeling.
The last program of the day was Jesus carrying His cross, Him being crucified and then rising from the tomb. Here's a picture of Jesus stumbling with His cross.
Picture of one of the musicals:
Here's a shot of people lining up to see the tomb. Not actual, of course.
My last days in Orlando were so busy, but it was nice to see and spend time with family and friends before I left. I already miss Orlando - I made a lot of great friends and memories there and met my husband. We'll now be Orlando tourists, just like half the people driving I-4 in Orlando from now on when we visit. But don't worry, we'll visit lots. We still have family and friends there!!!


At 10:30 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Oh. Fun times. I wish you were back! Elizabethan. That's just clever. :)

At 2:10 PM , Blogger anglouise said...

It has been MUCH too long since I read your blog! I didn't know you were moving back to CA! What will you be doing there? Where will you be living? So many questions. I hope your move goes well and that you settle in to your new surroundings. Take care and drop me an email sometime and let me know about all of this moving stuff :)


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