Saturday, May 17, 2008

Recent Life

As I previously posted, my dad's computer isn't the greatest to post my pictures from, so I just haven't, but now that I'm here with the hubby and using his computer, I thought I'd post a few I've taken over the last couple weeks.

That, and he's asleep because here in Florida, I have "a lot of energy" at 12:10 am, whereas really, I'm still on California time. So, I'm going to take advantage of this jet lag to post!

Here we are at the A's vs. Mariners game in Oakland. This picture consists of Andrew, me, sister, Bro-in-law, sis-in-law and brosky. Andrew used to rent a room from us in Florida. Now, he's renting a room from my parents and the hubby and I are also living with my parents. Weird!

My sister felt like barbecuing, so she set a pretty table and we ate yuuuummmyyy food. They have such a beautiful backyard, huh??? (That's passively saying I'M SO JEALOUS!!!)
This last weekend the family got together for a rare picnic since the weather was so nice. We were all surprised at how many of the fam could actually get together with all the nurses' schedules, cousins out of town, etc. Even my cousin on leave from the military was able to be there. It was soo nice to see everyone. Of all the pictures, I chose the picture of my cousin's little girl. Isn't she adorable???
For Mother's Day, we piled into my parents' LC and brunched in San Fran. Afterwards, we walked around an outdoor art fair, BR and Chinatown. It was so much fun hanging with the family. Here are my parentals at the art fair.

Oh, yes...ever the boba addict, my brother had to stop for one. My parents also decided to partake.

I'm here in Florida gathering my husband. We will be making the drive out to CA starting Tuesday. I don't know our route yet, it depends on how much time we have. I will definitely be posting about that trip. In the mean time, its so nice to see the hubby and celebrate Elizabeth's birthday as well as see some good friends while out here. I keep thinking how it seems as if I have been gone a long time...yet...not.


At 2:28 PM , Blogger Jeremiah said...

If you're planning on coming through Phoenix, let us know. We're still here until June, and Thea would love to meet you.

At 8:54 PM , Blogger StaceyPerry said...

Ohhhh, too bad you can't detour through Oregon, but it's not really on the way to Valejo... hmmm... :( Have fun! :)

At 3:10 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Come back!!!! ;) Hope you have a good weekend!


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