Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's me again - Oreo!

...she's slipped away again from cramming in blogs on what's she's been doing over the past month or so, so I thought I'd pop on and post again!

So, what has my last month been like? See the below picture? yeah, that's me in that BAG again. I had to go to the new man who checks me out not once but TWICE! I think his name is "Vet." Apparently my owners think there's something wrong with me since I may have missed my (yucky) litterbox once...or twice...and got the couch once...or twice.

So now I'm on my second set of antibiotics. I much prefer the pills being shoved down my throat then the liquid nastiness that was...shoved down my throat. And as for my freedom around this big house...well, let's just say its nonexistent! I'm stuck in the room unless one of my owners is able to watch me closely outside the room.

I swear...its not like I'm a kitten anymore, PEOPLE!

On the plus side, I found a new "favorite thing!" To add to my list of hair rubberbands, treats, table scraps (yum!) and having my belly rubbed...I've found...GRASS!!!

TA-Da! Yummy...yummy...yummy!!!

I don't know why I like this grass so much, though I think my owner's mom thought I'd like a refill of the other stuff I liked so much.
I hope I get better soon. I could tell my male owner is getting tired of cleaning up after me. I know I used to be such a low-maintenance cat, but hopefully my innards will get better soon.


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