Friday, February 06, 2009


Two weekends ago (I think), the hubby and I took a trip down south. My company was throwing one of the partners a retirement party down south. It was fortunate that we were able to combine the Saturday night event with a conference I had to attend the following Monday - Wednesday.

We flew down Friday afternoon and drove around until we found our hotel. This was our view at night:

Sabbath morning, we did a little exploring and decided on attending the Vallejo Drive church in Glendale. It looked like a mini Angwin church! The service was really nice, and I wouldn't mind attending again.

Saturday night, we got all dressed up and attended the party which was held at the California Club. I definitely felt out of place next to the giant fireplaces and! But we were able to relax with some coworkers and have a lot of fun. There were tributes given and dinner and dancing to an awesome live band. Here are a couple pictures:

I really liked the ceiling. I think I'll make it my wallpaper...
The main room for the party.
Sunday, we slept in and took our time moving out of our room and on to the next hotel for the next couple days. On our way, we stopped in Hollywood since the hubby hadn't seen it before. We dropped by the Chinese Mann Theater where a lot of movie premieres are held. We saw the movie Inkheart there. (I liked the movie, but in the same vein, I liked Stardust better.)

We also were in the same place as the Kodak Theater - ya know, where they hold American Idol Hollywood week and the Oscars.

We stayed at a hotel just within walking distance from Universal CityWalk. It was fun to go visit. I'll write more on the conference (hopefully) since I really enjoyed it.

oh, by the way, since I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd include in this post pictures of our visit with one of my favorite people - Stacey! Stacey is one of my dearest and most precious friends from MBA. Although we don't see each other nearly as much as we should, and we don't keep in touch as much as I'd like, she is still a very, very dear friend. When I received RSVPs back for my wedding, I shed tears only twice when I found out someone wasn't able to come. One was for my cousin, Marvin and the other was when I found out my friend Stacey couldn't come.

I completely understood the circumstances, but the wedding did feel a bit incomplete because these two weren't there.

Anywho...Stacey and her husband were down visiting family over the Christmas/New Year's holiday, and we were able to meet up with them for a couple hours. Here are some pics:

Stacey, I miss you, and I hope to see you sooner rather than later!!!


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