Friday, January 13, 2006

Confused and Dazed...

I'm sitting here staring at my computer typing this, yet, at the same time, i'm just watching the words appear on the i know i'm doing this, yet i'm so exhausted and worked over enough that i'm really not sure what i'm doing right now...

this week has been so very busy. we were working on a project, and they weren't letting us go until the standard 10pm. we actually were able to finish before they thought, so they let us out (sounds like a prison, huh) early last night.

to celebrate my unexpected freedom, i went and saw Memoirs of a Geisha. All by myself...which, by the way, doesn't really bother me! I kinda liked it actually! Going to see a movie by myself is somewhat of a treat for me. Its hard for some people to understand that I actually like going to a movie by myself, but its true!

Anyways...i also stayed up late catching up on TiVo'ed shows i wasn't able to see during the week, then found myself dozing off at 2am.

This week has been busy, but not necessarily stressful. i'm preparing for a two-week stint for work which requires (once again) two hours of commute starting next week. Thank goodness i have my audiobooks thanks to

(On a side note, I'm totally into this series called The Wheel of Time. I am now on the fourth book...)

Anyhow, this week has been trying on so many levels. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Doesn't it feel as if when it rains, it pours?

Thank goodness for our day of rest. I fully intend on taking advantage of this wonderful day. Happy Sabbath!


At 11:28 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Did you like the movie? I've been wanting to see it!


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