Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Movie Review - War

So, I have a good friend who seems to love movies more than I do! He used to give us his reviews verbally, but now that we don't see him everyday, he's taken to emailing his reviews out to a select few.

I really value his reviews and take them into consideration whenever I'm considering the movie. My friend likes a lot of action and does not do chick-flicks or childrens' movies (unless I can get him to attend with me). He also does not prefer period movies, but that depends on the content. I persuaded him to allow me to post his reviews on my blog because I thought they were really good, so, here goes!

His ratings scale is 0 - *** with 0 being the worst rating and ***.

More specifically:

*** See it.
** Rent it.
* Download it off the net.

He's not really telling you to download it off the net, but still, * isn't much better than not seeing it at all.

Anyways, here's the review for "War."

"You really can't go wrong with a film that features guns and martial arts! The film is basically about an FBI agent (played by Jason Statham) who is searching for an elusive assassin (played by Jet Li). The film was okay. There was lots of gun violence and some graphic kill scenes. The martial arts scenes were a bit of a disappointment. They weren't very inventive and there weren't that many scenes. I was expecting more since the martial choreographer is very well-known. There were a couple of plot twists. One of the plot twists, I figured out pretty quickly, the other one came as a surprise. Overall a **. "

Monday, August 20, 2007

Random Things

What's the point of taking pictures of I don't post them??? Since we hadn't gotten together in a long time, we thought we'd have a dinner party with good food and friends.

These next two pictures I risked my life for...well, sort of...but either way, i found myself in a different lane than i started in after taking the picture, and i don't think i should do that again anytime soon. Either way, there must have been a weird bus convention in town since these two buses were right behind each other. I don't know why the convertible school bus didn't take off...

Okay, seriously, isn't this the cutest picture? He looks like a cat puppet, don't you think?
Sabbath afternoon, in order to beat the Florida heat, Jeff, Kristen and Kristen decided to hit the village pool. Looks like fun!!!
Oh...and here's me at work...well, my old work. Like the hair chop? Must've been 4-5 inches I took off.

Okay. I'm officially an old lady...I am usually in bed by 10pm! Today, I was playing the "well, i think i can drive with my eyes half closed so it'll be like being awake AND asleep!" game. Another thing I shouldn't be doing while driving. since i drive such long distances every morning, i try to be awake. to bed! i'm paying the price for staying up late this last weekend!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Okay, so since I have pictures from our honeymoon, I thought I'd share some of them! I uploaded a bunch, and since I don't feel like organizing them, I'm going to hope there's some sort of order in their upload-ation and comment on them as they come up! So...let's start!

The hubby and I took a Royal Caribbean cruise out of Miami on the Freedom of the Seas. This ship and its sister ship (with the same ship layout) are currently the largest cruise ships out right now. You'll see why!

Here is our ship docked at our first stop: Labadee, Haiti. It is quite a large ship, so I wish I had something nex to it so you could get an idea of how large it is, but you'll just have to take my word for it...the thing was huge!!!

Here is the man looking out over Haiti while we breakfasted. The food on the boat was yummy! There was the main dining room, the upstairs and downstairs, then there was the buffet area which was a good alternative in case you didn't want to get dressed up for dinner. There were also the snack areas where there was always food served! There were two nicer restaurants where you could pay a cover price but got to eat whatever you wanted otherwise.
Speaking of our dining room, here's a picture from the top floor looking down. We had a table on the first floor. I swear, the first night, I felt as if I was on the Titanic movie! I kept thinking the place was fancier than I had expected, and with the live violinists behind us, well, it felt as if we were going to sink, like Titanic!

Here we are running through the mandatory life jacket drill before we could sail...or right after we set of those...don't we look dang seexy?!?!?!
Here is a picture of part of the ship. There was a promenade which was a hub of the ship. It was the most interesting way to cross the ship while inside since it had shops, the snack shops and information desks.

We went to all the evening shows every night. They had a lot of comedians which were really entertaining. They put on two broadway-type shows complete with singing, dancing and all the great sets and costumes. They also had other acts which impressed me as well.

In the evening, we'd go for walks around the cruise ship.
I thought this was a great picture off the back of the boat.
Here we are on our way to the Cayman Islands...I think. Yes, Grand Cayman! Doesn't my man look great in that hat?'s us in front of our ship back in Haiti!
Royal Caribbean is really good with attention to detail and what they offer their customers. I liked this monkey fruit "sculpture!"

So our boat had an ice skating rink. Yes, I did say ICE skating rink...on the cruise the caribbean! We didn't take the time to use the rink, but we did go see their ice show. I was very entertained since their choreography was very fun!

Here we are in Grand Caymen...the man wanted him a coconut drink. As I like to say, "what my baby wants, my baby gets!!!"
Our cabin stewart was very crafty with his towel origami. I liked this one.
Here we are in Jamaica eating some Jamaican hot pockets! Or...were we still in Grand Cayman...

"Hooo..t Pockets!" (Jim Gaffigan, comedian, quote, for anyone who knows the act I'm talking about...oh, nevermind...but that's what we were saying to each other while eating these yummy pockets of goodness!!!)
Yeah...we were in Grand Cayman. I don't think I took any pictures in Jamaica since we were mostly climbing Dunns River Falls.

Another of my favorite towel creatures!
And another fruit carving.
While my sister and I were talking about the honeymoon, we found out that we were going to be in Mexico in the same area at the same time! So, when our ship docked in Mexico, we hooked up with the Marlows for a day of snorkeling and shopping! Unfortunately, our underwater camera did not make it...or I should say, apparently we only took pictures of dark matter since nothing came out as a result of our gone are the snorkeling and underwater helmet "diving" pictures. They would've been great!

At least I was in the boat able to take this picture of my man and brother-in-law under the glass bottom boat we used to get to our snorkeling sites.
Here's the four of us in Mexico!
Oh, did i mention we actually rented a car in Mexico? I handled it well...yup...Eli behind the wheel in a foreign country...
Here's one of the acts in the evening. He was very entertaining!
Yet another towel stealing my glasses. Doesn't the guy next to the monkey clean up well???

Oh, here's Eliasib deciding to show everyone in the boat just how much hair he has on his body... looks like someone else will be showing their family and friends back home picture of "that hairy guy under our boat!"
I asked the man to show you out there just how enthusiastic we were about food by the end of the week. Yes, I didn't think I'd ever be hungry again!!!
Here's one of the broadway-type shows they put on. It was actually quite good!
Well...i hope you liked the 50-cent slide show of our honeymoon! oh, wait! the story doesn't end there. On the way back to Orlando from the cruise, guess what happened! Yes, we ran out of gas. Luckily, we were able to hitch hike to the gas station with the guy that, and I kid you not, was drinking alcohol while driving...with his teenage son sitting in the passenger seat checking 20 lotto tickets he made him buy while at the gas station...and listening to the local Christian radio station. Yup...that was interesting!

Needless to say, it was a wonderufl trip - eventful, fun, relaxing and much too short. I would definitely recommend our cruise to anyone. Of course, by the time we got home, our kitty was ready for us to stay home since we'd been gone for three weeks. It was nice to be home.

Newest Wedding Gift

Laura, one of the Mister's good friends who we don't get to see often enough has given us our newest wedding gift. One of her paintings which I love oh so much!

I can never fathom being artistically talented...therefore, when we received our latest wedding gift, I was very excited about it. I mean, I've seen the painting hanging up during one of her art showings before, but, I mean, how cool would it be to be able to produce such an amazing portrait? does one just know to shadow just so or blend the colors in a way to make something that is so lifelike?

Laura, you're a talented artist. Check out more of her art at her website.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pick-up Line

"If I wasn't married to you, I'd be stalking you!!!" (my husband)

Funny as it may sound, this line has been ringing through my head all morning! Why? Because I loved it! After four and a half years together, he still flirts with me!

Monday, August 13, 2007

We'll See!

Okay, so hopefully I'll still get some readers now that I've (hopefully) made access to this blog private.

Life has been so very hectic since taking this job out here in Ormond Beach, but its actually going okay! The Mr. also decided not to be left out and has also taken another position within his company. So far, he is very excited about it because he has a better schedule and less supervision. For him, that's ALWAYS great. =)

Anyways, I definitely owe you a post, so I'll get right on it, okay? I figure, however, that I should do it from home, right?