Sunday, February 26, 2006

Did you know that the word "GULLIBLE" doesn't appear in the dictionary? I just added the "Gullible Info" link to my sidebar. I like random tidbits of knowledge...

my question this information really true, or should I be prepping my forehead for "sucka"???

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Check out this site...its crazy bananas!!!

Have to admit...its interesting!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

You tell me how many you were able to check off first...

I've kissed someone..
01. [ ] on the cheek.
02. [ ] on the lips.
03. [ ] on their hands or fingers.
04. [ ] in my room.
05. [ ] in their room.
06. [ ] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [ ] a little younger than me.
09. [ ] a little older than me.
10. [ ] with black hair.
11. [ ] with curly hair.
12. [ ] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [ ] with red hair.
14. [ ] with straight hair.
15. [ ] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [ ] who i truly love/loved.
18. [ ] who was drunk.
19. [ ] who was high.
20. [ ] in the morning.
21. [ ] right after waking up.
22. [ ] just before bed.
23. [ ] late at night.
24. [ ] who I had just met.
25. [ ] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [ ] just talking not dating.
27. [ ] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [ ] at school
30. [ ] against a wall.
31. [ ] at a show.
32. [ ] at the beach.
33. [ ] at a concert.
34. [ ] in a pool.
35. [ ] who was/is a good friend.
36. [ ] in the rain.
37. [ ] with an std.
38. [ ] in the shower
39. [ ] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [ ] in the movies.
41. [ ] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [ ] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [ ] under water
45. [ ] while driving
46. [ ] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once.
48. [ ] crying
49. [ ] goodbye forever
50. [ ] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [ ] in a hot tub
53. [ ] in (a) church

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mr. & Ms. Liza

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting Jim & Liza...who I absolutely LOVE!!! Jeremiah, for that was what she liked to call him (those crazy kids and their nick names!!!) and Liza came in Saturday morning, we lunched, then they proceeded to get themselves all sick for the rest of their time here!!!

Well, Jim did...didn't help that they came the couple days Florida hosted a record cold stint. Seriously, it was frickin' freezin' here!!! Sunny, but cold.

Anyways, it was sooo nice seeing Jim and meeting Liza. I couldn't have asked for a better girl for our little Jimmy-poo!!! :) Liza seemed to want to know what Jim was like since she hadn't met anyone who had known Jim before she met I was able to finally unload all those college stories I had been saving up for such a time as this. :)

However, since there are others out there that I'm sure have good stories about Jim and would like to Liza, please share! I mean, you know how Jim loves to be on the spot, the center of attention, etc. I think he was almost sheepish when I was regaling all his heroics to Liza!!! the time he saved the three helpless firemen trapped in the burning highrise

...or the time he personally airlifted supplies to the stranded marines... know, and all the other stories he told me to tell her word for word. :)

So yes, if anyone wants to relate any stories about Jim to Liza, do share!!! She needs to know about her man before they move to the macadamia/hula girl state, right???

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Name is Pan...Peter Pan

Thanks to Casey for sending me the link to this guy's website.

For something you never thought you'd ever see...visit this website

Be sure to check out the FASHIONS section of his site...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Love Quiz

In honor of Val day (otherwise known as "Val"entines Day), I am posting a link to a love quiz.

Apparently I:

1. Fall in love quickly and easily.

2. Give 50% and expect 50% in return.

3. Am a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately.

4. Like to see him/her a lot.

5. Expect the person to change for you.

6. Fall out of love easily.

Take the Love Test here!!!

Short and sweet! =)

Week 2

So, I'm here to document what it is like to live life without investing any emotions.

Sorry folks...I'm still all for it!!! =) I mean, I know that I won't be lucky enough to actually live out my days in blissful indifference, but hey, I'll take as much of it as I can. =)

People always say that in order to fully live life, one must accept taking the good with the bad. The tears with the laughter...

I say "WHY?!?!?!?!?!"

I'm good just being able to go through the day and sleep well at night. If I can enjoy the company of friends and family and know that they are doing be it!

Anything that can really TRULY make someone think they're happy has the potential to really TRULY take that person down.


I know even life like I described it above could start getting monotonous, and I remember in my own past times when I actually wished some drama in my life. But, for the time being, I'm content to live life one day at a time. To not question things or look beyond the next corner.

...take it or leave it. indifference. we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mental Vacation

I've realized that I haven't posted on my blog for a week, and I haven't posted pictures in quite a long time. I've racked my brain and have searched each day for something blog-worthy, not that things really have to be worthy of a blog, which is the beauty of it all, I suppose.

Yet...I haven't found anything I felt I could write about. This morning, I was talking on the phone, and I found myself saying, "Oh, I'm okay...I just sort of feel dead inside."

I feel like I've been able to function each day (other than the day I found my car keys locked inside my car in the ignition at the end of the day when i was so ready to go home), I haven't been depressed...or happy...or anything!

I haven't been anything...just living day to day, moment to moment, no thoughts or feelings about anything...just, blah.

I think I've grown tired of having feelings and emotions, therefore this week, I actually believe my body decided, without me actually decid-ing,!

Is that possible? I've read it in book, you know, when they describe someone as unfeeling. I never understood that, but now I feel as if I was unfeeling this week. I was empathetic like hell this week, and there was one time, Tuesday night, when I did have a show of emotion, but it was there and gone again in an instant...and its sort of like I just remember having it, not what I was feeling.

So, there you have it, folks. I've officially burned off all my emotion senses. Like you burn your tongue on something and can't taste anything for a while! You still eat, but you're not really getting to savor anything...

But here's the slight twist to this entry...I LIKE IT! I'm actually enjoying my mental vacation, emotion hiatus, whatever you want to call it. I'm quite satisfied being unemotional. It sure makes life easy.

I'll keep you posted on how life lived like this works out.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

National Wear Red Day

Tomorrow, Friday, February 3, 2006, is:

National Wear Red Day!!!

This is a day Americans will wear red to show their support for
women's heart disease awareness.