Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Week 2

So, I'm here to document what it is like to live life without investing any emotions.

Sorry folks...I'm still all for it!!! =) I mean, I know that I won't be lucky enough to actually live out my days in blissful indifference, but hey, I'll take as much of it as I can. =)

People always say that in order to fully live life, one must accept taking the good with the bad. The tears with the laughter...

I say "WHY?!?!?!?!?!"

I'm good just being able to go through the day and sleep well at night. If I can enjoy the company of friends and family and know that they are doing be it!

Anything that can really TRULY make someone think they're happy has the potential to really TRULY take that person down.


I know even life like I described it above could start getting monotonous, and I remember in my own past times when I actually wished some drama in my life. But, for the time being, I'm content to live life one day at a time. To not question things or look beyond the next corner.

...take it or leave it. indifference. we'll see what tomorrow brings.


At 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val... I totally understand that we all need a mental vacation sometimes. and yeah... it happens without you really expecting it to or consciously trying, but I don't think you could go through life like that for very long. I mean, really... can you really live your life without emotion just because you might get "taken down"?? That just sounds like someone who's afraid to get hurt. You can't live your life in fear... TAKE CHANCES!!! It's a lot more fun!

At 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops... in case you didn't know, that comment was from CASEY... Sorry, guys.

At 9:08 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

yeah, i know you're right, casey.

not feeling just isn't built in me, though i wish it was.

At 4:45 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Is it possible to find a middle ground perhaps? You're a very caring and feeling person, but instead of just becoming totally uncaring (which is totally not in your personality) is it possible that you could throttle back and not care about certain things quite as much? I guess it would be like not throwing yourself 100% into everything (emotionally, I mean). That way ou allow yourself to feel, but it doesn't get overwhelming (if that makes sense)


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