Friday, February 24, 2006

You tell me how many you were able to check off first...

I've kissed someone..
01. [ ] on the cheek.
02. [ ] on the lips.
03. [ ] on their hands or fingers.
04. [ ] in my room.
05. [ ] in their room.
06. [ ] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [ ] a little younger than me.
09. [ ] a little older than me.
10. [ ] with black hair.
11. [ ] with curly hair.
12. [ ] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [ ] with red hair.
14. [ ] with straight hair.
15. [ ] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [ ] who i truly love/loved.
18. [ ] who was drunk.
19. [ ] who was high.
20. [ ] in the morning.
21. [ ] right after waking up.
22. [ ] just before bed.
23. [ ] late at night.
24. [ ] who I had just met.
25. [ ] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [ ] just talking not dating.
27. [ ] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [ ] at school
30. [ ] against a wall.
31. [ ] at a show.
32. [ ] at the beach.
33. [ ] at a concert.
34. [ ] in a pool.
35. [ ] who was/is a good friend.
36. [ ] in the rain.
37. [ ] with an std.
38. [ ] in the shower
39. [ ] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [ ] in the movies.
41. [ ] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [ ] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [ ] under water
45. [ ] while driving
46. [ ] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once.
48. [ ] crying
49. [ ] goodbye forever
50. [ ] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [ ] in a hot tub
53. [ ] in (a) church


At 12:03 AM , Blogger kgr said...

hahahah... ok, i'm game... i could check off 40 of 'em!

At 12:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, this one's gone around MySpace a few times..... 43 for me!

~ Matt ~

At 3:18 PM , Blogger m said...

hey, i checked 43 as well. but just to be clear, the one about kissing someone with an std was NOT one of them.

what's your number val?

At 11:58 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

yeah, i got this from my friend's myspace site.

i'm with Kimi...I checked off 40.

At 3:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny the std one was brought up... I paused a while on that one. For the record, I didn't check it either, but then, how would one know?? I just don't see the scene happening where I lean in for the kiss, and then she says, "Oh God, I can't.... I'm sorry.... well, I mean, I just first need you to know that I have an std...." I just really doubt people are going to go around advertising that they carry such a thing (at least until engagement, hopefully), and it's not exactly obvious, right!?

Maybe I have!

~ Matt ~

At 3:00 AM , Blogger kgr said...

hmmm, matt, it would seem that your number is yet undisclosed.

so you did/didn't check the std one.

what about the rest of your numbers?

At 11:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimi, hmmm, I can't imagine why it seems that way. Rather, it seems that your astute observation of my signature only worked once, and hence failed you once. Travel back up the comment tree to right after your first comment, and use those powers yet again...

And that would be a solid *didn't* for the std one, as mentioned.

Any further numbers of mine that you're interested in?

~ Matt ~


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