Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Love Quiz

In honor of Val day (otherwise known as "Val"entines Day), I am posting a link to a love quiz.

Apparently I:

1. Fall in love quickly and easily.

2. Give 50% and expect 50% in return.

3. Am a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately.

4. Like to see him/her a lot.

5. Expect the person to change for you.

6. Fall out of love easily.

Take the Love Test here!!!

Short and sweet! =)


At 4:47 PM , Blogger Todd said...

1. You fall in love quickly and easily.

This can be true, although I do tend to be cautious

2. You give 75% and expect 25% in return.

That used to be true, but these days I firmly believe that it should be a 50%-50% equal amount of sharing and caring

3. You are a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately.

Sometimes, although often times I will need some time to process the problem first, so I'd say over all I don't usually work out problems immediatley

4. You place the roses on the bed. You like to see her a lot.

True, when I like someone, I'm not afraid to show it 100%

5. You prefer the person to be asleep, you love the person as the way she is.

Also true. Looks are great, but they will always fade with time, so if I don't like her for who she is, then what's the point in liking her at all?

6. You chose the short road. You fall out of love easily.

Not true at all. And psychology backs this up, too. Guys fall in love easier and out of love harder than do women. Seriously!

At 12:45 AM , Blogger kgr said...

hmmm... i scored the same on #1, #3, and #4, but for #3, i apparently give 15% and expect 85% in return. never mind that i picked 3 red roses to symbolize "i love you"!

5. i love the person the way he is

6. You chose the longer road. You will tend to stay in love for a long time.


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