Friday, October 28, 2005

Garlic & Sapphires

Let's see...five days times 110 miles...equals 550...times two...equals 1,100 miles.

1,100 miles I've driven in the last week related only to commuting to work and home. I drove an hour to work and an hour home the last two weeks since the job I was working was out in Ormond Beach, FL.

Oh, wait, minus the 110 miles that I didn't drive out there last Monday due to hurricane Wilma. Truth be told, the hurricane was very good to us. It got a lot of us out of work at least for part of the day, and the weather following the hurricane has been absolutely beautiful. My heart goes out to all the people that Wilma terrorized, however I am very thankful that Orlando's piece of Wilma wasn't so devastating.

Anyhow... because of work and that blasted commute, I knew I needed a different way to amuse myself since I was not feeling the whole radio-surfing dealio. So...what did I turn to?

AUDIO BOOKS. Bless those little cd's.

I love reading, though for some reason, fantasy, sci-fi, fiction...those are the type of books that have lately been able to keep my attention for extended periods of time. So, for 990 miles, I listened to audio books.

My favorite one so far has been a book called "Garlic & Sapphires"" by Ruth Reichl. The book entails the adventures of the ever-so-powerful restaurant critic of the New York Times. Since restaurants know that a critic could make or break a restaurant, her picture was plastered on the kitchen walls of practically all of the eateries in New York City, and some restuarants were even offering cash rewards to anyone who spotted her.

Spotting her meant she was given special treatment, given the best tables, best service, and special attention to her meals.

It also meant she was given preferential treatment and not experiencing the REAL restaurant. Her remedy to the problem? She came up with several alter egos, personas, wigs, costumes...she became an old, timid lady, a wild and eccentric hippie, a bitter and rude spinster, a charming and irresistible woman, among others. And she realized how different the service was when she wasn't "the restaurant critic" at times.

But the most amazing thing that happened when she put on her personas was that she felt herself becoming the person. And sometimes she liked what she became, other times she hated herself.

I normally like to read my books, but having this one read to me, by the author, even, was quite fascinating. The author read the book the way she meant us to understand. If one likes food, I believe you would like the book. The author describes in detail tastes, ambiance, experiences. It was amazing to listen to.

I'd recommend this book to any food lovers out there.

Monday, October 24, 2005

"How I Met Your Mother"

Okay, so I've started watching this show on CBS, "How I Met Your Mother." I find it quite amusing, therefore, althought it is not a show that I would watch LIVE, I have added it onto my list of DVR'ed shows, and will most likely watch it within the first couple days of its airing.

Anyways, its about this guy who is relating to his two kids how he met their mother...well, pretty much its about his dating life. He has two best friends who are engaged (can't remember the girl's real name, but she was the 'band-camp' girl on "American Pie), one friend he was totally into but it didn't work, and his last friend is the crazy one - Neil Patrick Harris - otherwise known as DOOGIE HOUSER, M.D.

He's hilarious on this show!!! He mentions his blog constantly on the show, and when I popped over to their site, I saw that he really does have a blog! Its pretty funny.

A couple episodes ago or so... the engaged couple decided that they were getting too old for the clubbing, bar-ing life and tried to hang out with their "mature" friends. They were so miserable, they both ditched their mature friends, jumped out the window, and met up with their single friends at a club.

Wow... it made me feel really, well, dull! I mean, they were laughing about having game nights and whatnot, and i really like a good name night every so often!!!

I'm so not the clubbing, bar-ing type of girl. Even in college...I'd go with my friends just to hang out with friends. If I met a guy, I wouldn't even consider him a possibility because a guy that hung out at bars wasn't the type of guy I wanted to be with! I always felt like it was so much work to get that dressed up and go out to meet people that I wouldn't really have anything in common with and who would most likely think me extremely boring. It was almost draining to think about going out like that.

I'm much more of the scrubs-hang-out-at-the-house type of girl.

So, although its fun watching other people do the dating life in a way that I find interesting, I don't ever find myself wanting to go out and experience it myself.

Yup, boring ol' me is fine for the moment...

Kristin - Your friends sure love you!!!

Okay, I thought this was a great picture. This is Kevin, Eli, and Sean carrying Kristin's tv armoire to the upstairs loft area. I think I took the picture right before Sean informed the other two that it was feeling a bit low on his back.

We have the best friends, huh??? :)

Posted by Val

Sunday, October 23, 2005

You wa' fortune cookie?

A couple fortunes that were claimed by Annette, Amy, I.

Yeah, this is evidence that we can't rest until we receive the assurances we want to hear. Not the assurances that rightly belong to us, no... we must keep pressing and pressing until we *quote-unquote* happen to get what we wanted.

Yeah, that doesn't reflect my prayer life either... keep asking until I somehow get/make happen what I wanted all along...then "PRAISE THE LORD! WHAT A MIRACLE!!!"

Hmmm...I find that interesting.

Posted by Val

Sunday, October 16, 2005


My new 'bode

This is my new house. Jim, we have finally moved in!!!!! :) Its a nice little house, and it is situated so that Robin and I can pretty much feel as if we can be alone and have company as well. But we can't wait until Kristin moves in. YAY! Can't wait!!!!!

I'm finally (mostly) moved in to the new house. It feels good, yet, I have barely any time to really enjoy it. While we had friends over tonight to watch a movie, I had to take care of things around the house, work a little, take advantage of a few extra minutes to try to slip in some exercise...


Its been a good weekend. I can't complain. But, a good friend (and others since then) told me when I moved out here that "all work and no play makes Val a very dull girl."

Thanks, D.

I think I've become a very dull girl.

The pastor gave a really good sermon this past Sabbath. He started out saying that if he could only preach one sermon, he would preach the one he was going to preach. It was about really truly letting Jesus make you whole.

That really hit home because lately it has been feeling like I have been half a person in so many things. I'm giving a little of myself to a lot of things right now. I don't like doing that. Quality over quantity, right???

Anyways...another week is starting out tomorrow. Another challenge at my doorstep. So many things to accomplish, and accomplish well...hopefully.

Have a WONDERFUL week, everyone. Until later.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How would you describe yourself?

I was blog-hopping, and I stopped at this blog. To be honest, I only gave it a second look because the pictures of the coffee looked sooo good! If it wasn't after 11pm, I think I'd have to go in search of something similar.

Anyways, I started reading her blog, and it was so fun! I really liked her writing style. I read a little bit more, then I went in search of who she was. Was she young, old, single, married, artist, desk worker, etc.

She described herself in list form. What a great list. I think I'll have to make my own list to describe myself. Any suggestions anyone?

See her list here.

I swear this has been one of the longest weeks ever...and for no apparent reason either! *sigh* oh, to sleep. Or mull what my list would look like in my head.

(By the way, I'm in search of a muse. I've been feeling quite uninspired as of late. Is it really only Wednesday???)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Horse Quartet

If you have a couple minutes, pop over here.

Picture it...four horses who sing four parts. Click on the horses to start and stop them from singing.

They crack me up. They make me smile.


This is the first Sunday I've actually taken a breather from responsibilities and moving, working, unpacking, etc. and just sort of taken it easy. I cooked a little, cleaned a little, exercised a little, watched tv a little...

then I got bored...but a good bored. :)

After chatting with my rommate, Robin, for a bit (I swear I haven't seen her since last Thursday), I turned on the tv, and lo and behold, Gross Pointe Blank is on. Now, I have the movie on DVD, but I couldn't resist a little look-see.

I'm watching the part where John Cusack's and Minnie Driver's characters are getting caught up at a bar, and I then realize that the movie is centered around their 10-year highschool reunion. Now, I remember originally watching this movie thinking, "Wow...10-year reunion. They're SOOO old!!!"

But today, I realized that I'm going to my 10-year next year! I'M OLD!!!

While this whole horrifying thought process was going on in my head, the movie's dialogue once again catches my attention.

MD: "You know what you need"
JC: "What?"
MD: "Shakabuku"
JC: "You wanna tell me what that means?"
MD: "Its a swift, spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever."
JC: "Oh, that'd be good. I think."

That, for some reason, really stood out to me.


I don't think I've ever experienced this "shakabuku." Does one's life require such a thing? Have we not lived if we have never had an "ah-ha" moment?

I just thought the word, and its definition was cool. Something I could definitely remember and be excited about.

I just had a thought. In college, we're expected to grow, learn, develop...yadda yadda yadda...

But being adults, we're supposed to have the answers. I have heard that the older one gets, the less inclined they are to change anything about their lives. does that mean that my chances of shakabuku are smaller the older i get?

ah, dang...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Puzzle update - Jeff's the bomb

Stupid punctuation!!!

By the way, Jeff's the bomb... he was right about the

15 M on a D M C

and the 13 = UFS

See below.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dad, mom, and me!!! Its so nice having them here!!!

Posted by Val

My parents, my grandpa, and Eli's parents hanging out getting to know each other... yeah, both Eli and I were a little...uh...nervous...they were all, like, TALKING and stuff!!! I mean, what could they be talking and laughing about? That's just nerve-racking...that's just...MEAN!

Posted by Val

Their tee shirts say "LITTLE GUY" and "BIG GUY." Isn't that just the coolest thing???

Posted by Val

Kristen, I think it'd be safe to say that Annette REALLY liked your birthday gift!

Posted by Val

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Robin & Annette ROCK!!!

Just to let everyone know...Annette & Robin didn't give up and finally figured out the following "riddle-thing:"

23 P of C in the HB

See the answer below in the post!