Sunday, October 16, 2005


My new 'bode

This is my new house. Jim, we have finally moved in!!!!! :) Its a nice little house, and it is situated so that Robin and I can pretty much feel as if we can be alone and have company as well. But we can't wait until Kristin moves in. YAY! Can't wait!!!!!

I'm finally (mostly) moved in to the new house. It feels good, yet, I have barely any time to really enjoy it. While we had friends over tonight to watch a movie, I had to take care of things around the house, work a little, take advantage of a few extra minutes to try to slip in some exercise...


Its been a good weekend. I can't complain. But, a good friend (and others since then) told me when I moved out here that "all work and no play makes Val a very dull girl."

Thanks, D.

I think I've become a very dull girl.

The pastor gave a really good sermon this past Sabbath. He started out saying that if he could only preach one sermon, he would preach the one he was going to preach. It was about really truly letting Jesus make you whole.

That really hit home because lately it has been feeling like I have been half a person in so many things. I'm giving a little of myself to a lot of things right now. I don't like doing that. Quality over quantity, right???

Anyways...another week is starting out tomorrow. Another challenge at my doorstep. So many things to accomplish, and accomplish well...hopefully.

Have a WONDERFUL week, everyone. Until later.


At 10:21 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Okay, I'll say it! I don't want too, but somebody has to do it, so I guess it might as well be me. You are NOT a dull girl! Now, you're tired (understandably) from moving and settling in and all that, but dull? I think not! "Dull" isn't the Val that I know, and unless a lot has changed since Saturday (like you had a labotomy) then you're still fun! I swear!

At 8:46 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

I have to agree. I don't think you are dull. But I understand what you are saying. Being an adult has certain responsibilities that can make you feel, well like an adult! And sometimes as Tony cautioned us, like a boring adult. But don't worry. There are many other times when we can still kick back and enjoy life. We just have to make the most of those times and ensure that they happen often!


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