Sunday, October 09, 2005


This is the first Sunday I've actually taken a breather from responsibilities and moving, working, unpacking, etc. and just sort of taken it easy. I cooked a little, cleaned a little, exercised a little, watched tv a little...

then I got bored...but a good bored. :)

After chatting with my rommate, Robin, for a bit (I swear I haven't seen her since last Thursday), I turned on the tv, and lo and behold, Gross Pointe Blank is on. Now, I have the movie on DVD, but I couldn't resist a little look-see.

I'm watching the part where John Cusack's and Minnie Driver's characters are getting caught up at a bar, and I then realize that the movie is centered around their 10-year highschool reunion. Now, I remember originally watching this movie thinking, "Wow...10-year reunion. They're SOOO old!!!"

But today, I realized that I'm going to my 10-year next year! I'M OLD!!!

While this whole horrifying thought process was going on in my head, the movie's dialogue once again catches my attention.

MD: "You know what you need"
JC: "What?"
MD: "Shakabuku"
JC: "You wanna tell me what that means?"
MD: "Its a swift, spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever."
JC: "Oh, that'd be good. I think."

That, for some reason, really stood out to me.


I don't think I've ever experienced this "shakabuku." Does one's life require such a thing? Have we not lived if we have never had an "ah-ha" moment?

I just thought the word, and its definition was cool. Something I could definitely remember and be excited about.

I just had a thought. In college, we're expected to grow, learn, develop...yadda yadda yadda...

But being adults, we're supposed to have the answers. I have heard that the older one gets, the less inclined they are to change anything about their lives. does that mean that my chances of shakabuku are smaller the older i get?

ah, dang...


At 2:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, hey, why not just buck the standard? Shakalottawakabuku!

~ Matt ~

At 8:28 AM , Blogger Valerie said...


At 9:23 PM , Blogger Todd said...

I could go for some Shakabuku! I think it keeps you young but, if nothing else, it keeps life from being boring. I'm not down with boring.


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