Monday, October 24, 2005

"How I Met Your Mother"

Okay, so I've started watching this show on CBS, "How I Met Your Mother." I find it quite amusing, therefore, althought it is not a show that I would watch LIVE, I have added it onto my list of DVR'ed shows, and will most likely watch it within the first couple days of its airing.

Anyways, its about this guy who is relating to his two kids how he met their mother...well, pretty much its about his dating life. He has two best friends who are engaged (can't remember the girl's real name, but she was the 'band-camp' girl on "American Pie), one friend he was totally into but it didn't work, and his last friend is the crazy one - Neil Patrick Harris - otherwise known as DOOGIE HOUSER, M.D.

He's hilarious on this show!!! He mentions his blog constantly on the show, and when I popped over to their site, I saw that he really does have a blog! Its pretty funny.

A couple episodes ago or so... the engaged couple decided that they were getting too old for the clubbing, bar-ing life and tried to hang out with their "mature" friends. They were so miserable, they both ditched their mature friends, jumped out the window, and met up with their single friends at a club.

Wow... it made me feel really, well, dull! I mean, they were laughing about having game nights and whatnot, and i really like a good name night every so often!!!

I'm so not the clubbing, bar-ing type of girl. Even in college...I'd go with my friends just to hang out with friends. If I met a guy, I wouldn't even consider him a possibility because a guy that hung out at bars wasn't the type of guy I wanted to be with! I always felt like it was so much work to get that dressed up and go out to meet people that I wouldn't really have anything in common with and who would most likely think me extremely boring. It was almost draining to think about going out like that.

I'm much more of the scrubs-hang-out-at-the-house type of girl.

So, although its fun watching other people do the dating life in a way that I find interesting, I don't ever find myself wanting to go out and experience it myself.

Yup, boring ol' me is fine for the moment...


At 12:52 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Total SCORE! Thanks Val, I had no idea that blog was real! I would recommend everyone get a lugh out of Twenty-Four Ways in Which Women Are Like Fish because that had me rolling (in my cooped up, can't go outside, insane way)


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