Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Joinin' the Auntie Club!

I'm so excited! I'm an auntie (REAL auntie) for the very first time! And Savannah is perfect. Caused a little bit of trouble for her mama since her water broke at 6am, but Savannah didn't come out until 11:45 pm (making Eli the winner of the guessing game).

She was born 15 minutes before her due date on August 11.

She likes to sleep with her arms up around her cute!

Mommy is doing well, though she had to stay longer than usual because of some minor happenings. They should be coming home tomorrow. I'm sooo glad I was able to be there when my sister became a mommy.


Now off to bed since I'm in the midst of busy season, and I only got a four hour nap last night. I sleep more during my Sabbath afternoon naps! =) but the new addition to the family was definitely worth it.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's me again - Oreo!

...she's slipped away again from cramming in blogs on what's she's been doing over the past month or so, so I thought I'd pop on and post again!

So, what has my last month been like? See the below picture? yeah, that's me in that BAG again. I had to go to the new man who checks me out not once but TWICE! I think his name is "Vet." Apparently my owners think there's something wrong with me since I may have missed my (yucky) litterbox once...or twice...and got the couch once...or twice.

So now I'm on my second set of antibiotics. I much prefer the pills being shoved down my throat then the liquid nastiness that was...shoved down my throat. And as for my freedom around this big house...well, let's just say its nonexistent! I'm stuck in the room unless one of my owners is able to watch me closely outside the room.

I swear...its not like I'm a kitten anymore, PEOPLE!

On the plus side, I found a new "favorite thing!" To add to my list of hair rubberbands, treats, table scraps (yum!) and having my belly rubbed...I've found...GRASS!!!

TA-Da! Yummy...yummy...yummy!!!

I don't know why I like this grass so much, though I think my owner's mom thought I'd like a refill of the other stuff I liked so much.
I hope I get better soon. I could tell my male owner is getting tired of cleaning up after me. I know I used to be such a low-maintenance cat, but hopefully my innards will get better soon.

Berkeley Kite Festival '07

Yup, you read it right...KITE FESTIVAL!

It was the first one I've been to, and frankly, I'd totaly go again! Here's a pic of Eliasib, Jun, Ang and Abigail...and lots of kites in the skies! I didn't even get any good shots of the BIG kites...
Here's a pic of Brad and Eli discussing kites...because now, of course, all the boys want cool kites to fly.

I tried to post a video of one of the awesome kite routines, but I'll have to look into that later...


When I was a kid, one of the highlights of the summer was going to the Central California SDA Conference Soquel Campmeeting. The conference owns this huge area in this little town about 10 minutes or so from MBA, my beloved old highschool.

Anyways, growing up, it was one of the few places my parents let us just go out and have fun. We ran around with our friends, made new friends and were just free to be kids out and about!

'Til today, my parents go every year, my mom normally staying the full 9-10 days. I haven't been since probably the summer of 1997. THAT was a fun Soquel campmeeting!


It was fun introducing the hubby to the "camp"grounds - which consisted of rows and rows of either tents or RV's.

Here's a pic from the top of the mountain:
Here's a row of tents...or two...
The main auditorium was where the meetings were held. Now that I'm an adult, I attended the grown-up services. No Youth tent for me anymore! As you can see, the meetings on the weekends were quite well attended. The first weekend we didn't even get to sit! We made sure we got seats the second weekend.

Part of the reason I also went was to catch up with old friends. It was so nice to see Dulce.
Here's a picture of my family and a childhood friend and his family, Mike and his wife Gemma with their son, Max. Although you may not know Mike, he's an awesome guy, so please keep him in your prayers. This picture was taken a week or so before he was scheduled to report for military duty...notice his wife is about to have a baby in September and his baby boy isn't even two years old! It has to be tough being a military family.

Here's a shot of the inside of one of the tents with my dad and Tatang lounging out front. What is my mom doing? Why assisting in putting the Sabbath potluck together, of course!
Finally, here's a picture of the fam hanging out in front of the tents. Dad, Jun, Hubby and Ang.

If you ever get a chance to attend the campmeeting, go! It was a blessing to fellowship with others and listen to Henry Wright and Doug Batchelor. Can't wait until next year! Maybe we can stay the whole time next time!