Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ad for Bitterness - in 20 Words or Less

Today I picked up the latest Florida Hospital Times, a monthly/bi-monthly publication for Florida Hospital employees. I don't often read it due to being somewhat separated from Florida Hospital...however while I was perusing the times this morning, one particular advertisement definitely grabbed my attention:

"Ugly .71 carrot engagement ring in a nasty setting with Bagett's. want to unload the memories...Not sleepless in Orlando."

(I did not include the phone number that was listed)

I was first stunned...than I laughed...and laughed...and laughed. I don't know what this woman went through or what the man did (I'm assuming), but I thought, "wow! what a great way to express herself, AND unload her 'memories'!!!"

...and within the allotted 20 words or less.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wedding Pictures

Here is Angela and her two sisters, Pam and Tami.

From what I was told, it is a symbal of good luck is to have 1000 paper cranes at the wedding. Angela's family made more than 1000 origami paper cranes out of silver foil paper. Once made, all the paper cranes were flattened and put together to form two giant turtles. The ending turtles were than framed and given to the couple. This picture was at the wedding, rehearsal dinner, reception, etc. It was such a cool thing that the family did for them because, from what I hear, it took a little bit of time to do. =)

My brother and Angela. Aren't the flowers in the background pretty???

My brother's sisters: Casey, Abigail and me. It was sooo nice seeing Casey.

Reception area set up crew - Joelly, my cousin Faith, (future cousin) Neil, Charity & Jeremy and Morris.

Here's me and the groomsmen - Rhyan, Welby, Jason, my cuz' Marvin.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Today is my mom's birthday.

The older I get, the more I realize how blessed I am to have had the world's greatest parents. :) Sure, I'm a littel biased...but hey, whateve's!!! =)

My mom (and dad) have worked really hard over the years to provide for my brother, sister and me, and mom, I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for us.

Over the years I feel as if we've gotten closer, probably having something to do with me understanding how the world functions as an adult and being able to identify with you.

Thank you, again, mom, for all you've been. My aim is to be as beautiful both in character and in person as you are someday. I love you!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Demetrio Jr. & Angela

My little brother just got married this last Sunday, March 19, 2006.

Don't they look so cute?

I'll post more pictures when I get more than a second.

Best Wishes to the happy newlyweds!!!

Love you both!!!!! =)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Long Time!!!

Yeah, its been a while since I've posted anything to my blog. Probably because I've been so excited to go on my vacation, and getting things done FOR my vacation took time after work for the past couple days...

Needless to say, I am NOW posting...while on vacation. I'm in cold, wet California right now, and it feels so GOOD! and so right. I love it here with my family, and I am enjoying the weather actually! Its been a good change from Florida's warm days.

I'm home for my little brother's wedding. Like I've told people, I came in Thursday morning in order to give my brother the rare chance to boss his big sister around for a couple days...he has definitely taken advantage of this rare opportunity. =) It was always his complaint that he had to help his sisters move in and out of their dorm rooms, but we never really had to help him. I don't know how that happened, but I think its kinda true! Well, since he's moving into his home with his future wife, I was the lucky one to help move things...of course, most of it was done, so it was only his clothes. The boy has a TON of tee shirts!!!

But, in the day I've been here, I have really been soaking up the family-thing. I've had lunch with my brother and sister, went shopping with my sister, gotten mani's & pedi's with my sister (and Eli...) cooked with mom and sis...sat and talked with my dad, watched my cousin and brother play video games... you really don't know what you have until you don't have it around anymore, and for me, its family. I'm lucky I have some family in Florida, but its not entirely the same as having immediate family around.

Well, I'll be posting pictures lots of pictures from my weekend home and my brother's wedding. My sister and I are lighting candles and singing. We've only started practicing today...wish us luck!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Let me pose this question:

Are you the type of person who gives money to people who ask for it on the street?

Would it matter whether or not they were dirty, smelly, dressed in rags and just asking for some spare change, or if the person was a motherly person dressed in mom clothes asking for money to help buy food for their children sitting in their car outside of a grocery store?

Friday, March 03, 2006


Tonight we went out for Kristen's birthday to Brio...a yummy restaurant. Turning a 1/4 of a century could be tough, but she's a trooper. Here's a picture of Kristen and her birthday chocolate dessert...

Here's Amy and I giving a dirty look to the person who actually ATE the birthday dessert.

Today is also Robin's birthday!!! I'll post pictures of her birthday when she comes back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROBIN!!!

Sabbath Xbox

Okay, so for Christmas, my aunt and uncle and cousins got me this Xbox game: THE BIBLE GAME. You can play in game show mode answering trivia questions, playing mini games which I'll talk about later, and risking the "Wrath of God" which makes you lose all your points for the round.

Here is a picture of us playing "Jacob's Ladder." The point of the game is to climb the ladder fastest by hitting the arrow on your controller that matches the arrow floating above your character's head.

I think the most popular minigame was "Walls of Jericho." In this particular game, all the players are trying to race out of the city on horseback, its pretty much a racing game.

I love, too, how instead of saying "READY...GET SET...GO!!! The game says, "LET...THERE...BE...LIGHT!!!"

Yeah...at least there's good modern Christian music in the background...ya know...while you're sending out your own snakes to kill the snakes of Pharoah's magicians.

Here are the Bible Game addicts!!!