Thursday, March 09, 2006


Let me pose this question:

Are you the type of person who gives money to people who ask for it on the street?

Would it matter whether or not they were dirty, smelly, dressed in rags and just asking for some spare change, or if the person was a motherly person dressed in mom clothes asking for money to help buy food for their children sitting in their car outside of a grocery store?


At 9:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the person will carry a conversation with me, I will usually buy them food, or in one case, hook them up with coffee. Never money though...

What about you?

~ Matt ~

At 12:37 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

I'll give them money. Some change, maybe a couple dollars. I've also given them food. One time with the bf, we gave them some money, groceries, and a ride home. We may be suckers...but sometimes it feels right.

Other times I don't feel right about it, though.

I posed this question because the bf and I had different views on the matter...he's willing to give when asked, which I admire.

At 11:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, though sometimes I do give money, I have to admit, often times I avoid making eye contact and scurry away from pan handlers. It makes me feel guilty at times. It's one of those life conumdrums.



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