Saturday, December 31, 2005

2006 - Year of the Dog

Year of the least according to the Chinese.

This week has been quite the whirlwind of activity. Christmas Day, last Sunday was truly our only day to relax. Being that our family gets together on Christmas Eve, our nurses in the family (including mom and sister) all work Christmas Day, thus receiving the best of both worlds: the ability to spend Christmas with their family (Eve), and the ability to work for double time and a half (Day). Sooo lucky!

So, Eli and I spent the day napping, on the computer, or catching up on movies from my brother's DVD library that we had not already seen. Awww, yeah, baby. :) We watched "Rat Race," "Alien vs. Predator" and Hilary Duff's "Raise Your Voice."

Monday was spent doing some shopping, then we red-eyed it back here to Orlando. Let me tell you, I don't know where it came from, but sleep was my sweet friend between Monday and Wednesday. I slept pretty much all the way on our direct flight from San Francisco to Orlando, and once home, I slept from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, got up and found some food for my growling stomach, then slept again from 7:00 pm Tuesday night to 7:00 am Wednesday morning. That, my friends, is how you tackle jet lat. :)

Wednesday and Thursday were spent working, Friday, the same...though I was able to walk into the office in jeans, which was nice.

I can't believe its New Year's Eve tonight! I'll be posting pictures detailing our evening. We somehow got the great idea of the theme of our evening to be "Dressing Up...Gone Terribly Wrong." or something along the lines. =) I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Everyone have a great New Year's Eve!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful time with your loved ones. Christmas 2005 came and went with a bang. Our family normally celebrates Christmas Eve. Everyone gets together for dinner, than the kids play lots, and the grown-ups talk lots. Come midnight, we dive into the presents.

Here's a very brief account of our Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy for all the fun stuff we did. Sooo many times I wished I had my when Neil was the last one to win the relay race for described below.

Or the laughs we had at the expense of some of our slow-reflexed aunts and cousins during the potato game. Or the food...yummy food!!!!! :)

Anyways, Merry Christmas, everyone. I've had a wonderful time here in California. I can't believe that we'll be going back home to Florida tomorrow night, but Christmas 2005 is going down in my book as one of the most fun christmas parties we've had in a long time.

To all the family who couldn't be there, you were truly missed...maybe next year, yeah?


Here's Eli playing one of the many games we played with the family. We played global Taboo, Family Feud, we played the potato game, and one Manang Maricel came up with where they had us running around in a relay-type game having to hold pieces of paper between our head and a shoulder, under both armpits, in both hands, and one between our legs...imagine a bunch of filipinos running around trying to hold all that together.

It was tons of fun.

Newest Addition to the family

Here's the newest little addition to the family. She was so good and didn't cry a peep, though, in the end, I think she was sick of the pictures. She was all papparazzi-avoiding things in the one picture of her and Dan.

Auntie Eding and the new sisters

Awww...Navi and the cousins

Christmas Shoes

Just a picture of the family those filipinos...and those green shoes! Cute!!!

Family Pictures

Usually our Christmas Eve party ends at midnight with us kids finally being able to open our presents. When midnight finally hit, we were all ready to call it a night and open our presents...until the 2005 modification (there's always something)...PICTURES!!! I was part of the cousins picture, but I was able to take some of the grown-ups.

I love how Marky slept through all the pictures of the grownups and the cousins...poor thing was exhausted running around all evening. Yeah, we'll be bringing that picture up every Christmas from now until eternity. Shoot...we'll be showing his fiance this fabulous picture, 20-some years from now! The picture of him and the cousins was better since there were more of us, and he was smack-dab in the middle of it all sleeping.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Post

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

I officially started my Christmas vacation last night, and honestly, I feel good! I found out that I have several projects that will have to be completed soon after I get back from Christmas, but I have decided to table my plans, thoughts and stresses over them for when I come back from my vacation. I owe myself a relaxing holiday, darn it!!! =)

So this last weekend was pretty fun. I have enclosed some pictures of our Christmas exchanges. I think everyone liked what they received...especially Oreo and his bag. I can buy him presents galore!!! Yet he'll ignore them all and go straight for the bag.

So anyways, after shutting down my computer for the last time before my vacation, I got a call to hang out with friends. ON A TUESDAY NIGHT!!! How awesome is that!!! Since I wasn't working today, I met Annette and Adam for sushi. We didn't really even care that we had the worst service, watching the girls at the next table seated after us AND receive their ordered meal before our own order was even taken! We didn't have anywhere pressing to go, and we just talked and had fun.

Afterwards, we met up with Sean and Brennon and played a little "Seven Up, Seven Down."

"Shout out to ma' girl Annette!!! Girls ruled the games that ... actually required thinking!!! Girls Rule & Boys Drool!!!" :)

Anyways, it was fun hanging with friends during the week. Does it sound like I'm in great spirits? Pardon my language, I've just watched hours of the BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice," which I so thoroughly enjoyed each minute of.

Needless to say, while I was waiting my companions arrival for supper, I felt the need to write down several things that had lent itself to my good Christmas disposition. Here is what I had down upon their arrival:

1. While passing time away at Borders, I was in dire need of a pen in order to jot down some book titles that I would like to own in the future. A kind lady who was of no acquaintance took pity on me and bestowed the gift of a brand new pen for my keeping. How unexpected and wonderful it was to be the recipient of a random act of kindness!!!

2. Prior to my meeting with the kind pen lady, my entrance to Borders was so very greatly enhanced when, upon my opening of the door, I was greeted by handsome Army men soliciting donations for a worthy cause by, get this, offering the service of gift wrapping!!! It took all my restraint to not purchase a frivolous item in order to have one of the muscular and quite manly uniformed ones perform the service of wrapping the item in sparkling red paper and top it off with a bright Christmas bow. Hmm...perhaps, if time permits, I shall revisit the store today in order to... uh... donate to a worthy cause. =)

3. As I sat on the bench in the crisp Florida evening air (it was a delightful 58-ish degrees), I was pleasantly surprised to see Florida mix with the Christmas season by watching a young girl dance about her father's steps wrapped in full snow gear - the boots, hat, gloves, snow pants, jacket, scarf were all present. As I watched her, several college-aged boys walked by in jeans, American-Eagle/Abercrombie polos with the collars turned up, and shuffling about in their flip flops. And behind them, a girl in a tank top, jeans, sweater in hand, and a santa hat resting atop her head.

4. Just behind the colorful crowds standing in line to see a sneak preview of the new Jennifer Aniston movie, I was also pleasantly surprised to hear FILIPINOS! i actually was not entirely sure since the presence of filipinos in Central Florida is not as prevalent as in my native land of No-Cal...however, as I strained my ears, I was able to catch several phrases that held a strong accent quite similar to what I heard in my youth while sitting around the family table. Just hearing the familiar accent truly brought a smile to my eyes since I have been aching to once again be surrounded by family. It has been too long.

5. Finally, Christmas has already blessed me for this year since I was part of a group that helped raise money to help some individuals and families through the Christmas season. Yesterday was the culmination of our work since we dropped off gift baskets full of gift cards to Target, Walmart, and grocery stores. We were also able to help one family with a mortgage payment. One family was in the situation they were in because the father was in the military and had come home from Iraq due to an injury. He also was diagnosed with post traumatic distress syndrome...or something like that. It was difficult to find someone like him since quite often military personnel do not like to admit their need for assistance, so for this 6'3" big hispanic man to express the need for assistance for his family, this was not an easy thing.

We also were able to help out a man who did not have any family, lived by himself, and although was capable of independence, was also a mentally challenged individual. He had been undergoing treatment for cancer, and money was tight for him.

We delivered monetary gifts to these people and others, but what we also delivered was at least some peace of mind. And therefore, although sometimes it feels as if life is 200% against my happiness and the happiness of those I love, I realize that I truly am blessed with my family, my friends, my job, my health...and my faith.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Women vs. Men

I love "9 Chickweed Lane." This is today's comic. I read it then had to laugh since this is a perfect example of how different men and women think...

On a side note, comics have a come a long way from our parents' comics. Seth, the male dancer above, is gay and has a boyfriend. Hmmm...just a little thought.

Click on the comic to enlarge for reading purposes.

(Darn!!! Why does the comic insist on copying over small?!?!?!?!)

Christmas Present to ME!!!

Yes, this is what I found in my tire this week. I had to replace this tire and the other front tire since once our attention was gained, it was apparent I needed new front tires.

Lovely...just what I wanted to give myself for Christmas...


Oh, another couple days I'll be on my Christmas vacation!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Just wanted to wish Cristina a very happy birthday!!!!!

Awww...isn't she so photogenic???

This was from one of the birthday parties we threw for Cristina when she lived here in Orlando.

Cristina, you're missed! Hope you have a fabulously wonderful birthday.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Mickey Christmas!

Sunday was our annual Company Christmas Party. This year, the company decided to throw our party at one of my favorite Disney theme park - EPCOT!

They brunched us then set us free. For those people out there who think Florida is always hot and humid, note the jeans, sweaters and jackets. Yes, folks, it was pretty darn cold and rainy, but neither rain nor temperatures below 70 (yes, SEVEN-TY degrees) could keep us from using a free ticket to disney, so we trudged along.

Here's a picture of Eliasib, me, Kristen and Sean resting after riding the "Mission to Mars" ride. Either we're starting to feel the years we've accumulated under our belt, or we're just a bunch of pansies (not...a word), but we surely felt the effects of that ride. It was pretty good, I thought, simulating a shuttle lift-off, flight, and landing.

...ya know, from what I would think it would feel like.

Here's one of the many pictures we took in Morocco while trying to dodge the rain.

Here's a picture of a nine pound lemon. Yes, folks, a NINE-POUND LEMON! Disney can do anything! To prove it, see the next picture...

Click on the picture if you need to see it better. You are seeing that right. It is a mickey mouse shaped pumpkin. Or tomato. I can't remember, I was too busy trying to snap the picture to listen to the tourguide.

All in all, it was a pretty good day. I got myself a pretty cool set of pearl earrings (thanks to Kristen who has the knack for choosing the right oysters in Japan).

I'll post more pictures later.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Happy 26th birthday, Jun-Jun! You're my favorite brother, so wish I was there to celebrate your 'getting old' day...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

You Are Who They Are

A friend of mine forwarded me this email. I read it, and it really stirred up something in me. I'd like to share it:

"It Is Better To Be Alone, Than In The Wrong Company"

Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you Associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. "A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses." The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and The bad.

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you. Consider this:

* Never receive counsel from unproductive people.

* Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.

* Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it.

* Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.

* Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships.

It is very wise council, yet at the same time, it feels heartless. I don't have friends for what they can do for me and my life!!! Yet, at the same time, I have found myself having to guard myself from 'friends' who could bring me down.

Where does one draw the line? When does it start feeling selfish to only surround yourself with people who are successful or who have perfect lives? Because, truthfully, who has a perfect career, a perfect relationship, a perfect walk with God? I'd have no friends, and to be honest, I doubt I'd be anyone's friend following the above advice.

I love comics, and the below comic was in the Sunday paper. If it is too small, click on the picture to enlarge it.


I've had friends that have felt like rat in the comic. I hope I've lived and learned enough during my lifetime to have limited my association with people who act like that. But, also, I hope that I'll never act like rat, or have acted like rat.

I'm not meaning this post to be negative...the above council is truly good council that has stuck in my mind since receiving it yesterday. I'll just have to figure out how I want to implement it in my life.

But for now, I don't want any of my friends to think I'm talking about you. I thank God each day for the love and support I receive from all my friends.

Any thoughts, oh blog readers??? When does one cut ties with friends? Under what circumstances do you ignore your friends' issues and hurts due to their effects on your own soul and life?

When is it considered selfish and when is it necessary for self-preservation???

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Happy Birthday, Jenny!!!

Monday is Jenny's birthday. We celebrated Saturday night at Kobe Steakhouse - yummy!!! Then ended the evening at Roger's bachelor pad for ice cream cake.

Oh, and Jenny...

Hippopotamus Bird 2 sheep!!!!! :)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Cats of the House

Here are the cats of the house:

Oreo Villar:

Jada Knutson
& Oreo Vance

We promise we don't have freaky robot cats with glowing eyes...they're all really sweet cats who are still trying to get used to sharing each other's space.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Movie bath

Hehe...isn't my "movie bath" cool?

...looks like a bath in the movies, huh?