Saturday, July 02, 2005

Mi Familia

I'm home! For a couple days anyways. My cousin and his girlfriend/fiance are finally getting married this Sunday. I say "finally" since they have been dating since they were about 17... that makes their relationship about 8-9 years long. Ila has long since been considered part of our family.

Anyhow, I was just sitting back and experiencing my family. My sister and brother live close to my parents, and although many people want to be far from their parents, I am quite jealous of my siblings. My parents give us a lot of space, which makes it so much easier to actually hang out with them.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting my future sister-in-law's family. They're coming over for Sabbath lunch..."My Big Fat Greek Family" and "Meet the Parents" all in one. No, it'll be fine. Below is a picture of my family starting in on the cooking for tomorrow's lunch. I'm exhausted, having traveled for the better part of the day just to get here only to be dragged shopping at Trader's Joe and Ranch 99 an asian ... world.

Believe me, people, when I start feeling out of place amidst a sea of asians, I know I've been away from California too long.

So, although I'm minutes away from passing out from tiredness, I'm quite content to sit here in the family room and watch my siblings and parents discuss my parents' need for a zester. Its good to be home. :)


Posted by Val


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