Thursday, June 30, 2005

Life on DVD

Does anybody else out there wish they had a DVD of their life? I mean, you could look rewind, fast forward (up until the moment), etc. I found myself thinking this just right now at my desk because I was wondering how the heck I got to where I was, and how I got to be the person that I am. I mean, I remember when I thought of myself as nice and sweet. Now, although I think I'm a nice person and sometimes sweet, I also think of myself as stubborn, and sometimes mean. Yes, mean. when did I become mean?

and bossy...I could be bossy. at least that's what I've been told by my sister.

When the heck did I become bossy? I mean, I've had to learn how to take care of myself, but then I've also learned that I can't do everything, and I've learned how to make others...feel useful. :)

I'd love to sit down with my DVD and see what happened to me. was it that one time i trusted in someone who turned out to be using me? or was it when I went out of my way to do something only for it not to be appreciated? or that one time when i turned around and realized that i was doing all the work?

and when did i get cynical about people and life?

(I just realized that it was weird thinking all of this when i'm in a really good mood today...weird!)

So anyone up for taping my life for the sole purpose of my own selfish needs????? :) any takers?


At 5:59 PM , Blogger m said...

yikes. the thought of watching my life on dvd makes me a bit sick to my stomach...


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