Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Forget Fridays, weeks of vacations or holidays suck even more!

Its 12:25 PM on Wednesday. I'm leaving on Friday for California for my cousin's wedding over the 4th of July holiday.

How could anyone expect me to be productive?

Hmmm...this entry kinda sounds a little familiar... so I haven't been the vision of productivity (I'm talking about me tackling tasks with the lack of *umph* and gusto here, the dang work's getting done, don't worry)...big deal. Around this time a couple years ago, I was permitted a SUMMER VACATION!

This time of year, I find my brain sort of wandering...doesn't help I could step out of our building door, swing my head to the right and watch skiers, jet skiers, and boaters cross my vision while walking to my next meeting... no, that doesn't help at all.

But this time of year makes me want to travel everywhere, stay out late watching summer movies (Dakota Fanning, I'll be seeing you tonight) on a week night, and absolutely, positively NOT wear nylons all week while everything on tv and the newspapers talk about summer things like going to the beach, barbecues, picnics...etc.

Thank goodness I'm due for a bit of a vacation. California, see you in a couple days.

Hawaii...can't wait to see you. August can't come soon enough.

Okay...that put me in a better mood. I think I'll .....go audit someone...woohoo!


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