Saturday, June 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!

Today, June 4, 2005, is my dad's birthday. Happy birthday, dad!!!

My dad is so awesome. Since I am homeless, I have a limited supply of pictures to choose from, but I found this picture of my father dancing the filipino tinikling dance with my brother-in-law at my sister's wedding. My dad is hard working and fun (you can tell by the huge smile on his face that he is someone who likes to play and have fun). I think I'm an accountant because my dad is one. Just growing up watching my dad work, I, for some reason, always thought I would follow in his footsteps.

But the best things I learned from watching my dad were related to loving God and how to have a successful relationsip (or try). My dad wakes up every morning, walks downstairs, and reads his devotional and Bible every single morning. I see how worshiping God is incorporated in my Dad's daily living each day, and I think that's awesome. My dad shows me that religion isn't something you know or do, it is what you are.

Whenever I go home to visit, being on a time zone three hours ahead, I would wake up early and spend time with my dad. I would watch him have his devotional, walk with him or wait for him to come back from his morning walk, then we'd have breakfast and read the newspaper together. And, if it is Sabbath, and my dad is making his famous spaghetti for lunch, I'd beg some for breakfast...mmm... the perfect breakfast food. My mom might come downstairs a little later, and just watching them interact would make me smile since someday I hope to have a marriage partnership like them.

Dad, I have been blessed to have you as a father. Thank you so much for being the father you have been my whole life! Happy Birthday

Posted by Val


At 4:25 AM , Blogger kgr said...

that's such a sweet story... it's so refreshing to hear when families are close like that =) makes me wanna run home and hug my mom & dad! hahah... but cute, very cute.


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