Sunday, May 22, 2005

4:50 AM

Yup...that's what time it is. 4:50 am. why am i still awake? yes, i know its Saturday night, but seriously, i've been home since a little after midnight. i haven't been able to sleep, so i've been catching up on my tivo/dvr'ed shows...such as Desperate Housewives, Girlfriends, Gilmore Girls, Saturday Night Live... yes, all deep shows, but don't anyone give me grief...i like them. and now, i'm laying here in the dark wasting the coolness of this room (its too hot to sleep in here during the daytime, darn Florida!) unable to sleep!

so here's my evening. i've just spent the evening with friends, and we had a fabulous time. we had dinner at ZA-BISTRO and a show at the local improv theater and came home to start my sleepless night (oh, its 5:06 am, been surfing the net a little...).

it was very interesting to look around the table. there was a filino/hispanic couple, two black/white couples, and a white/white-asian couple, amoung the people there. one of the black/white couples is fairly new (congratulations, you two, if you are reading this)...but they have come up against the family disapproval. i have been around interracial dating all my life, so it has never been a real issue for me...but now living in the south, i realize it is not as accepted. and i don't understand it. its sad that racism still exists, but it does.

anyways, i've never been much for the whole soap-box standing bit...but being that its 5:12 am, i'm starting to feel a bit drowsy...g'night!


At 1:57 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

oh, hush...i was TIRED!


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