Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I want my mommy...

I traveled all the way out here to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, to get sick and have to be confined to my hotel room all afternoon yesterday. It sucked.

my bones still ache, my appetite is gone, my stomach is contantly queasy, but other than that, i'm good now. i had just enough energy to call my mom who was hanging out with my sister at her house and have my two favorite nurse/nurse practitioners advise me on the best way to not stay sick.

now, i wouldn't normally mind being sick, but to leave the very first job i'm in charge of for my department (could you tell i'm proud to be in charge of something at work now???) on the very first day of fieldwork to be sick...that's not exactly the way i envisioned things going.

suck. don't want to be known as the sissy-boss.


At 2:47 PM , Blogger m said...

hope you feel better soon. and congrats on being a big-time boss!


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