Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kids Now-a-days

I'm writing this entry from my 11-year old cousin's brand new computer in her room. Okay, get this...i'm sitting at her desk, that houses her brand new computer. on top is a really nice stereo, lying on top of the desk is her digital camera. to the left is a lan-line phone PLUS a cordless phone. outside, all my cousins and their friends are playing Dance Dance Revolution on the X-Box on the family projector screen thingy. seriously, the screen is projected on the far wall, and each of their "half screens" are 1/2 a wall. there's some sort of weird camera looking gadget on the desk, though i'm not sure it is a camera, and there's headphones as well...the kind that you use to talk through the computer.

i'm jealous. but i'm definitely amazed at what kids feel is normal life in this day and age. they are so used to technology that i'm sure they were going crazy when there was no power here in their house when the hurricanes struck last year.

when i was a kid...:)

yes, i'm getting to that age when i can say such things now. :) shoo...i'm turning 27 in about a month. 27. geez...i remember at PUC when i found out a friend of mine was 22...i remember actually thinking..."whoa! i have a friend in their 20's!" now, i'm close to 30. i'm absolutely amazed that time has flown by so quickly.

okay, gotta run...i'm visiting family, but i thought i'd get away from the flying feet for a couple minutes.


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