Thursday, May 12, 2005

Called out by Jim

DARN YOU, JIM!!!!! calling me out from

Anyways, dumb program is NOT letting me upload my pictures to my blog. i want to write more when i have pictures to show you! with no pictures, it doesn't feel as interesting. for what i would write about if i didn't have fun weekend pictures to post, well, it would all be about work.




i work a heck of a lot, you know that? i remember my first job at PUC, after my boss gave me my first assignment and closed his office door, another guy who worked there (Andrew Herald, for those of you who want to take a walk down memory lane) looked up and said,

"so, what are you going to do? how you handle this first assignment will dictate how your life will be while you work here."

"what?" (my response as i'm still trying to remember where the copy machine sat)

"i mean, if you do an okay-good enough job, they'll keep you on, give you the 'easier' jobs, and you'll live your life out as a mediocre assistant. life will be relaxed for you, but they won't necessarily think the greatest of you. "

"...okay..." (val remembering where the copy machine was and starting to wonder if she knew where the supply closet was)

"on the other hand, if you do an absolutely FABULOUS job, they'll think you can handle things and start giving you a lot of projects that might not necessarily be a'll be running around and stressed, but they'll love you."


"So...what's it going to be?"

i keep thinking of that conversation at different times in my life. and in the end, i usually chose the stressed-out choice. this year, i'm responsible for so many things going on at work...heck, i walked into a meeting thinking this was one area they wouldn't put me down for much responsibility (a nice little breather from everything else), and *b-a-m* (i need bigger astericks), i'm the contact person between the two teams.


on one hand, its cool to feel you're important and in charge. on the other hand, i'd rather be laying out on a hammock in Belize.

though...its nice to feel like all the years i've spent here in this office wasn't for nothing.

~ v ~


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