Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Last night, Eli was driving to come pick me up from a meeting, and he had to swerve to miss hitting this little kitten. I started calling him Elisito (little Eli), Sito for short.

We spent part of last night at the pet ER, and most of today trying to find a way to save this little kitten without committing to keep him. what a dilemma. should we leave it with animal control who would put it to sleep because they were overrun with healthy stray cats, or spend the money to save this little kitten (who was hurt) but who would, in the end be put to sleep at animal control anyways since we couldn't keep it?????

It was amazing how attached we got within a couple hours. and, to top it off, Eli's sneaking it into his house since his sister is allergic. We felt so helpless watching this kitten bleed at the pet ER discussing, basically, whether it should die now or later, in our hands or in animal control's. my roommate's cat was hit a couple months ago. we found it on the side of the road. we brought it to a random vet who pronounced it dead on the spot. i felt so helpless, i couldn't help keep this innocent little animal under our care alive! coming across this little kitten, i almost felt like i had a second chance, although i knew i couldn't keep it. life seems so unfair when you sit and watch a little kitten suffer.

Anyone want a kitten?


Posted by Val


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