Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I's in Nashville, Tennessee!!!

Hello All! I's in Nashville, TN, and I'm having a good time. I was actually here a couple days last week and I will be here once again next week. I am so terribly upset since, while hurriedly packing, I could not find my camera extra battery or, for that matter, either one of my two chargers! I am losing my mind...and I now living with a camera, one battery, and no way to charge the darn thing! I already lost the charger and bought another one then found the first...and now i have none.

i'm getting so old...i'm losing everything!

anyways, i really wanted to take pictures of where I'm working these 2 1/2 weeks, but i'll look really hard this weekend so i can post pictures and share my life out on the road. this year i'll be making several business trips, and i would love to document them.

I just found out my mom may be reading my blog. Being that my mother is sometimes electronically challenged, i think that's cool. of course, now i'm trying to decide whether or not to tailor my blog for my readers (such as mom) and not say words like ...dang...can't write it! my mom could be reading it!

oh, to break it to you, but sometimes i say words that aren't the, "damn" and stuff...yeah, that's the worst of it. :)

okay, i've been writing this blog for a while...i'm on my 3rd week here in Nashville, and i'm still without my camera! i wanted to take pictures of all the country music things around town, or the mountain our hotel sits in front of that they had to cement part of in order to stop the falling rock (blatant disregard for the beautiful mountain it once was)...

and definitely take a picture of my semi-narcoleptic co-worker who i'm watching this very minute fall asleep in front of his computer. i'll definitely have to post that one soon...hehe...he almost fell over in his chair! that would've been watch. :)

okay, since i haven't blogged in a while and have been quite busy to blog more, i will be posting this bland blog. just letting any readers out there know i'm still alive. :)

Friday, April 15, 2005


I was sent a link to this website and I thought it was very interesting. On this site, this family decided back in 1976 to take a picture of each of the family members on the same day of each year, June 17th. The website shows the family members' pictures from 1976 to 2004. I can't wait to go to the site this year to see how the family changed. See Family Photos

My coworkers and I were looking at the pictures and absolutely marveled at the changes we saw. We watched the three boys from birth to where they are now, in their 20's. They decided not to smile, maybe for the same reason I heard they don't want you to smile on your driver's license - supposedly you look different when you smile, and they wanted to be consistent...I dunno.

Anyways, I think I want to start doing this, too. Maybe on my birthday or something I'll start taking pictures of me to see how I've grown. And instead of just one picture, maybe i'll take several pictures showing my current life at that snapshot of who my close friends are, where I live, what I enjoy doing...I think that would be fun to see as I grow older.... the new quarters coming out. You know how they try to embody the essence of each state on the back of one quarter by showing the one or three things that make you think, "oh, yeah...that's [insert state name here] all right..." . Maybe I could try to do that type of picture on my birthday each, this year, 2005, I could take a picture of me, dressed in a suit, in front of my new house with Eli and Kristin and Kristen...while in 1998 I could've taken a picture of me, Stacey (Siccama) Moya and PUC people on a blanket on the PUC elementary field holding a frisbee... or in 2000, it would've been me and Casey Leach sitting in my car at In 'N Out Burger in Napa...

anyways, I think you get the picture.

For me, I don't mind change. I would feel like I wasn't doing anything if I looked back a year or two and saw my life absolutely the same.

We were sitting around my table last week discussing the future, and one of my friends seemed not excited (to say the least) about the future because, in his mind, he looks at a lot of adults (our parent's age) and sees them as boring...even if they didn't know they were boring! Being one to enjoy looking to the future, I took a bit of an offense to that statement. I, personally, don't envision my future to be boring. The future WILL come, and I am looking forward to a lot of things in my future. Yes, my life will change, but you know... its going to change anyways, why not look forward to the challenge of changing it how you want to?

You want to travel? TRAVEL!

You don't want to be tied down to a menial job? DON'T!

Do what you want to do... but DO IT!

Eli and my friend are in the other room discussing the changes they have seen in themselves since turning 30 (well, Tony's turning 30 on Thursday)... I think I'll go have a listen at the door.

Happy Sabbath everyone!


Val & Eli - watching the Sarasota Sunset Posted by Hello

A couple of us decided to take off last weekend and ended up on the gulf side of Florida. we went to the beach and hung was tons of fun. Here are a couple of pictures taken while we watched the sunset.

Sarasota Sunset Posted by Hello

Jumping in Sarasota... Posted by Hello

My little brother's engaged!!!!!

Me, My brother Demetrio Jr., and my new future sister-in-law, Angela. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New addition to the family...

Just to share with the world.....

I am going to be a new sister-in-law!!! :)

I would just like to congratulate my brother and his new fiance, Angela Sugihara. I have been trying to post a picture for some time now, but it'll the program is having problems. hopefully this will post.

Anyways, my brother has been excitedly calling me (I hope he doesn't stop calling, hint-hint) every other day or so to tell me about his ring-shopping escapades, then for ideas to propose...and his last call this morning was to say...


I am so very happy for my little brother...and I am officially the last one to wed amongst my siblings...unless between now and the upcoming wedding i skip town for vegas or something... but that'll be another story.

Unfortunately, I'm across the country and unable to embarrass my little brother (you know, an older sister's method of showing love). but a little closer than Florida...i'm in nashville, tennessee.

Nashville is a fascinating place. its the country music capital of the world...or something like it. to tell the truth, though, i did see some asians yesterday while dining at the Macaroni Grill.

i'm here for work, and its going to be an interesting visit here over the next two weeks. to give you an idea of my life here, i am scheduled to be working the 6am to 2pm shifts Sunday-Friday.


did i mention i'm in a meeting right now? will write more later.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Link Time

Okay, my boyfriend sent me this link to this music video thinking it was funny. For some reason, i have been quite taken with the much so that I listen to it at work at least once a day...and on top of that, i'll call him up and play it over the phone to him.

He's a good sport. :)

So.....without further ado..."Evil Nine"

Credit Card Test

I was sent a link to this "prank" someone did to prove that "It Takes Two To Tango" when it comes to credit card fraud. You see, I'm the type that will write "See ID" on the back of credit cards, and to be honest, I get asked about 1/2 the time to see my credit card. Goodness!!!!!

We could be very careful, but once our card is in "evil" hands, the stores and credit card companies should be doing the best they could also!

Anyways, read about this guy's "prank"...its hilarious! and scary.....

Saturday, April 02, 2005

White Boy Dancing

A friend of mine showed me this video of this guy
dancing at work. it was so funny! he's pretty good!

(p.s. this is a test to see if i'm doing this whole linking using text boyfriend would be so proud of me being all computer-ish and all...if he read my blog at all.....come to think of it, my ex would be proud of me too. :))

Hope this works!

Baylen cousins

My only Floridian cousins...aren't they getting so big??? Posted by Hello

I can't believe how big they are now! It's so crazy! anyways, my aunt calls me up at work and tells me they were in the area, so after work, Eli and I meet them at the "FUNSPOT" where they were go-carting and stuff. we left and walked around Festival Bay where we found this wall that was a beach we took a couple pictures.

I wish I was around family more...I'll talk more about that once the deed is done...

i'll explain more later. :)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Baylen cousins Posted by Hello