Thursday, November 23, 2006

100 Things About Me!

I've seen people post 100 things about themselves, and I thought I'd give it a go...have fun reading! You may learn something new about me!

  1. I have not lived-lived at home with my parents since I was 16 due to boarding highschool, college and now…Florida!
  1. My favorite number is three.
  1. Most of my mom’s 10 brothers and sisters had three children.
  1. I used to want to have three kids…now it’s looking like two is a good number.
  1. I love having a big family and lots of cousins. I think there are almost 30 of us…
  1. When I think of family, I think of my mother’s side of the family.
  1. I like using “…” when I write. I think its because I’m usually writing what I’m thinking and, since I get distracted easily, what I’m saying usually leads easily into something else…plus I don’t like to really end a thought. That air of finality… don’t like too much!
  1. I consider my life having consisted, so far, of four phases: Phase 1 (1978-1994), Phase 2 (1994-1996): Two years at MBA, Phase 3 (1996-2000): Four years at PUC and Phase 3 (2000-Present): Florida. Each phase has represented a different environment, friends and focus.
  1. Only one friend has existed through all four phases.
  1. I don’t like to use the term “best friend.”
  1. I like to get things done…no dilly-dallying. It bothers me when people can’t make decisions.
  1. I like things to happen on time. I like being on time.
  1. I have always thought I’d do something in the Accounting field ever since I was a little girl watching my dad work on the dining room table with his 10-key.
  1. I took my first Accounting class as a senior in highschool. I hated it and made it the first class I ever dropped.
  1. I had concluded I was going to be a teacher of either Math or English when I was deciding on a major the summer before my freshman year at PUC. I ditched the idea of being a teacher when I heard tollbooth collectors make more money than teachers.
  1. My brother’s a math teacher and loves it.
  1. My mom’s a nurse and my sister’s a nurse.
  1. My dad’s an accountant and I’m an accountant.
  1. My sister and I used to tell my brother that he was adopted after we found him outside. I can’t believe we were so mean…yet he is much taller than everyone else in our family…and looks Chinese…
  1. When we were kids, we told the younger kids at our church that the plaque on front of the church that listed the year the church was built (or something like that) was actually a headstone for the grave that stretched out in front of the plaque in the grass. To emphasize the story, we told them it was disrespectful to walk over graves, therefore, we always either jumped over the space in front of the plaque or made a small detour around the supposed “grave.” It was fun to watch them do it when they thought no one was looking. I still walk around the “grave” to this day out of habit.
  1. We made up a sort of “tag” game to play at church while our parents were meeting inside after potluck. We called it “Eric’s Game.” Named after Eric.
  1. When we were kids, we got a newly wed pastor and his wife for our church. We used to sit behind the pastor’s wife and tally up the number of times he looked at his wife during his sermon. He looked at her a LOT.
  1. I get motion sickness. It sucks!
  1. I don’t like going into big cities for the heck of it.
  1. I’m a homebody and would much rather stay in than go out.
  1. I don’t like strawberries.
  1. I don’t like sour things… and sour cream isn’t sour.
  1. I grew up around a lot of kids (mostly younger cousins when we were younger), yet I don’t know what to do with little kids.
  1. I don’t know how to “play.” As in…play with dolls and doll houses, cars, etc.
  1. I fear I lacked imagination in coming up with Barbie and Skipper storylines since it didn’t make sense to me…like…who cares if Barbie has a whole kitchen set! She can put the fake turkey into the oven as much as she wants, but it’s already fake done…so why put it in the oven? Also, there is just so much dressing Barbie in different clothes that one can do… one outfit is as good as another when Barbie’s just walking around her fake kitchen…not like her clothes are going to get dirty from the fake gravy she’s fake making!!!
  1. I think I’m funny and witty. I used to think that someone could make a funny sitcom about my family since its funny being the first generation in the US.
  1. My dad once sent me on a fieldtrip with a frozen orange juice concentrate (the kind you mix with three cans of water). I think it was the first time they had to think about packing juice in our lunchbox because my family always subscribed to receiving milk during the lunch hour. My friends made fun of my, and my teacher was baffled.
  1. I once made a kite at school out of a paper bag and was embarrassed that it wouldn’t fly like all the other kids’ kites in my class. It may have been because my parents gave me rope instead of light string to complete the construction of my kite…no amount of additional running got that sucker up in the air!
  1. I like the mountains better than the beach.
  1. I’ve never been to Europe. I want to go so terribly bad.
  1. I would move to another country…tomorrow!
  1. Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
  1. I’m listening to Christmas music right now… today’s the day before Thanksgiving.
  1. I don’t like going to the post office and mailing things.
  1. I would much rather be cold than hot.
  1. My favorite outfit consists of jeans, a tee shirt and sweatshirt or jacket with some tennis shoes.
  1. I depend on my sister to figure out what makeup looks good on us…then I stick to it until she convinces me otherwise.
  1. I just learned how to keep my eyelashes curled.
  1. I like things organized…even if I’m not always organized.
  1. I like things clean. If the kitchen is clean and my bed is made, the rest of the house can be caked in mud, and I’d be okay. The more stressed I am, the more I need things organized and clean. If I’m stressed, the first thing you’ll see me do is clean.
  1. I hate cleaning the bathroom.
  1. My friend, Casey, and I used to have tag team wrestling matches with my brother and cousin.
  1. The typical guy I have fallen for has been a tall, left-handed Caucasian guy with a variation of the name John or Jonathan.
  1. One of my favorite guys I liked didn’t have any of the qualities in #45.
  1. My fiancé is tall and left-handed.
  1. I love to read fiction. Sci-fi, adventure, mystery…
  1. Red roses are my favorite flowers
  1. I got my ears pierced so I could wear pearl studs since I always thought they looked classy. Now I want a pair of diamond earring studs to match my ring.
  1. I don’t like theme park rides designed to scare you with dizzying heights and gut-wrenching drops. I prefer fast rides with lots of turns.
  1. I love watching television and movies.
  1. I prefer exercising in a gym and playing team sports.
  1. My favorite game is volleyball but wasn’t good enough to make the team.
  1. My next favorite game is football. I made the team and played Center.
  1. I’m addicted to Peach Fresca.
  1. I like listening to talk radio…but not constructive, thought-provoking radio, no, I’m talking about the DJ’s in the morning just gossiping or inviting people to call in and give their input on the topic of the morning.
  1. I love rain. And Wind.
  1. I want it all – the career, the kids, the marriage, minivan, the house in the suburbs, dog and the picket fence.

  1. My instruments include the flute, piccolo, piano, violin. And I love to sing in a choir or with a group. NEVER by myself. I did all of these things fairly well but not great.
  1. I don’t mind dancing…but I find it easier to dance with someone you don’t know.
  1. I always considered myself someone guys had to get to know before they started paying attention to me. I wasn’t the one guys noticed upon entering a room. I didn’t mind being the one with the “good personality.”
  1. I like to be involved in lots of things, but I often times feel taken for granted and worn out.
  1. I’m not very good at cross word puzzles or sudoku. I suck, actually.
  1. My favorite thing about my appearance is my hair. Without my hair, well, I’d wear a wig. I’m one of those girls defined by her hair.
  1. I’ve noticed that in this Phase of my life, I’ve become more take charge, bossy, cynical and irritable. I wonder often why this has occurred.
  1. People think I’m perpetually in a good mood…and I’m not.
  1. The last time I remember publicly being emotional about something was during a Rook game. I think I shocked everyone, including my partner, the pastor when I practically threw my cards at another player and walked off. He had been annoying me throughout the evening and I had had enough.
  1. I love to cook and wish I could do it more often.
  1. I want a maid. If I had a maid, I would be a much happier person.
  1. You will not see me debating politics any time soon. I’m a registered Republican, but I told my mom I registered as a Democrat to see her reaction. I then told her the truth but admitted that I could see myself switching…just to see her reaction.
  1. I don’t know my father’s side of the family very well…I only know my father’s mother and one cousin by name.
  1. I was named after my father’s mother. Her name was Valeriana, and my dad calls me that sometimes. I think it’s sweet when he does that since I know he loved her very much.
  1. My grandmother lived with us for a couple years but only picked up a couple English words: asleep and garage. She used to shine the kitchen floors with car wax. Many people have slipped and fell while running through the kitchen in their socks.
  1. I look up to my sister in many aspects of life, however, we are more different than similar.
  1. We didn’t grow up with any pets because my dad is allergic to animal hair.
  1. We got a dog when we were young. My parents told us, after a week, that the dog ran away. I just found out a couple years ago that they lied to us and had given the dog away. I remember feeding the puppy Doritos.
  1. I once collected rolly-pollies in a Frisbee and stored them in my dad’s car. I went back for them a couple hours later, and they were all gone.
  1. My favorite Christmas movie is “Holiday Inn” with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire.
  1. I don’t like shopping. I’m dreading Christmas shopping this year.
  1. I used to want to wear suits for my career…now I want to wear scrubs.
  1. I like salty foods better than sweet foods.
  1. I like perfume but always forget to put it on.
  1. I have a morning internet routine: check emails (work, hotmail, email, google-wedding account, google-personal account and yahoo…in that order…HAS to be in that order). I then check specific comics for the day (Baldo, Bob the Squirrel, FoxTrot, 9 Chickweed Lane, Luann, Pearls Before Swine, Pooch Café, Get Fuzzy and For Better or For Worse…HAS to be in that order).
  1. I like to play the Rabbit-Rabbit game with fellow players.
  1. I like to sit by the window on the airplane so I can lean against the side of the plane. I don’t like to talk to people I don’t know on the plane.
  1. I’m on my third cell phone.
  1. The only phone numbers I know by heart (besides any that used to be mine) belong to my fiancé and a lady at one of the hospitals who I call a lot for work.
  1. I just wrote something and erased it because I didn’t want anyone to know…
  1. …it had something to do with owning a Britney Spears CD. J
  1. I can have a temper that I don’t like. Few people see it.
  1. I like to take care of people and things…but I don’t necessarily have to be in charge of things. But I don’t mind being in charge either.
  1. I’m scared of heights.
  1. I don’t like the texture of slimy food.
  1. I have unfinished business with people in my life that I have accepted will never be truly finished…satisfactorily.
  1. I like to receive flowers, but I don’t ever feel that I “should’ve” gotten flowers. I think this is because I don’t think I’m a romantic person.
  1. I’m happy right now.


At 9:15 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Wow. Impressive list! I laughed where you said you used to want to wear suits, but now you want to wear scrubs!!

At 4:28 AM , Blogger Jeremiah said...

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