Saturday, November 04, 2006

My life in pictures...

Here are some pictures of what I've been up to over the last couple weeks:

The fiance and I went on the Winter Park Boat Tour. Although I've been on it twice before in the last six years, he's never been on it in the last 10-15 years. Here are a couple pictures:

Really nice house...looks like they're getting ready for a small wedding or something!

One of the canals we went through connecting the lakes.

Here's our boat...mates.
Here we are!!!
Here's a bird Oreo brought home a couple months ago. We were able to save one bird he brought home, but this one didn't make it through the night. it was kinda sad.
Here are my cousins and a cousin's daughter...cute Patricios!!! =)
Two weeks ago Eliasib bought two hermit crabs. Unfortunately, we lost one of them. He literally climbed out of it's dish and jumped off of the table and wandered my house. I could we lose a crab in a red shell??? One week and two days after it's came back. IT CAME BACK! could you believe it???
We also went to Orlando's "Street of Dreams" where they featured eight million dollar houses with an average size of 9,000 square feet. These houses were absolutely amazing! We should've taken more pictures of the inside...the decor, kitchens and bathrooms were so awesome.

I also bought a picture made up of three separate pieces. You could put them together or keep them apart. We finally got them up on my wall...helps make the room more homey...LOVE IT! =)

Okay...until next time I empty out my camera. =)


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