Sunday, October 08, 2006

What a week...

This week has been pretty rough.

I found out from a super close friend of mine that a guy we went to highschool with was in a motorcycle accident and didn't make it. I wasn't close with George, but I knew him, and he was so very precious to my friend...well, death, combined with the deep sadness of someone near and dear to you really made me sad.

I've been super sensative, emotional and empathetic since then.

However, I was looking forward to meeting up with my bestest friend, Casey! Yay! I love Casey to death, and I NEVER get to see when she told me she was going to be in Ft. Lauderdale for business and invited me down...well, how could I pass that up?

My wonderful fiance was going to stand in for me at church and afterwards, which was awesome... so I happened to find myself all alone at home at 11:30 am when usually I'm at church. I was running out the door with my whole grain waffles in the toaster and my overnight bag and purse in my hand, when I see my Oreo out on the back porch. Since I didn't want my kitty outside all day until someone else came home, I tried to coax him inside...which normally wouldn't take much coaxing.

However, yesterday, he just wearily looked up at me, then looked away. Since I was in a hurry and really didn't want him outside all day, I went to pick him up to bring him in...and when I picked him up, he let out a groan-ish meow. Oreo isn't really a meower. He does it to sometimes get your attention, but really, he's not a meower.

I put him down on the tile floor, and took a closer look at him. He had scratches on his face, and his stomach looked especially puffy. He tried to get up and walk over to the carpet, and he could barely stand up, he was so wobbly...and he was meowing the whole time. I started petting him and just seeing him there, obviously in pain, was killing me!!! I started crying while I dialed Eli.

This is the short version of what happened:

Vet #1 - "Sorry, we are closing in three minutes...take him to Banfield Veterinary..."

Vet #2 - "We only have one doctor in right now, and he's in surgery. You should try VCA just down the street..."

Vet #3 - "We can take him, but if it's serious, we're only open for two more hours, and you'll have to transfer him over to an overnight/emergency place since we can't watch over him. Here's the number..."

A kind man gave me a business card for the next place, and I could barely say thank you before I just rushed out of the vet place I was in tears. My cat was in pain in my back seat...and all these people could say was 'SORRY?!?!?!?!?!' Tell that to my kitty who's practically hyperventilating since he hates being in a a car... and WOUNDED!!!

By now, I'm a wreak. I wait for my fiance to catch up with me at the third vet, and we make our way to the fourth vet. They are able to see us, and they would be equipped to watch him overnight if need be. While we wait, I'm able to lean on my fiance's shoulders and look at all the animal pictures on the wall. Apparently the vet place is good enough to treat some of the Orlando K-9 unit dogs, so I'm confident they'll be able to take care of my Oreo.

Two X-rays and blood tests later, it's evident that someone hit my Oreo with their car. Seeing as how my Oreo could barely take a few steps before collapsing, and he obviously was not hit on my back porch, my Oreo must have somehow-some way, dragged his little self back to my back porch where he knew someone would take care of him. He's my little hero of the week.

He'll be okay. He's currently confined to a large dog kennel equipped with a bed, food, water and litter box for the next six weeks. This is so he doesn't try to walk too much or jump. Of course, since he needs help into and out of his litterbox, I'm not too worried of him trying to run off or anything.

I'm incredibly sad for my Oreo. Just watching him in pain to turn around or go to the bathroom is breaking my heart. I'm very much a doting/spoiling type of person. I like to see people be comfortable around me, hence people calling me 'mother' at certain points in my life. Other than administer the medicine given, there's not much I can do for my little Oreo, just pet him and see him through this.

I wonder what I'll be like as a mother. I definitely can see myself as a disciplinarian...but I'm also the empathetic one. It must be hard to see your little ones get hurt...i don't know how I'll do when I have real little offspring running around.

Please keep my little Oreo in your prayers. He's only a cat, but he's my cat, and I love him very much. He'll be alright...he's a fighter. =)
Thanks, Casey, for understanding. I sooo want to come visit soon.


At 2:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am sad that I didn't get to see you and catch up... but I am VERY happy that Oreo is doing okay. We'll see each other soon enough... I hope. Give Oreo my love! - Casey

At 8:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Val, if Oreo passes on to that great big milk cup in the sky, you can have Robin's Oreo. So, it will be like he was never gone!


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