Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm Home!!!

It is about 6am in Florida, and I've been up for abut three hours! I woke up, tossed & turned, watched a little bit of tv, went to the neighborhood gym and exercised a bit, caught up on some email...and now, thought I'd post a sentence or four. Work is NOT going to be a pretty thing today.


it is so nice to be home! =)

I think I'll be able to be home for a bit, which, I must say, feels really good. Yesterday, after working a stint, I convinced three other guys to go watch The Illusionist with me. I saw it in Chicago, not realizing it was a limited release a couple weekends ago. Ever since then, I've been trying to get people to watch it with me since I LOVED IT, but unfortunately, it was only widely released last Friday. I was unsuccessful in persuading my dear brother to see it Saturday night, but last night, I was able to see it again, and I must say, I may go and see it again with a friend of mine.

Matinee, hopefully, but evening price, if that is the only time we can go. I wholly recommend this movie to all audiences. =)

Anyways, I'm glad to be home. This last weekend was definitely bittersweet, but at least, for now, life is good.

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!


At 2:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'm one of the last to jump on the "congrats Val on engaged!" band wagon. I've been in Thailand for the past few weeks so please excuse my tardy congratulations. Better late than never, eh?

With out further delay, here it is:

Congratulations Val! Not only do you own a house or two, but you've officially put yourself on the road to motherhood and wifery (not necessarily in that order). Eli and you make a woderful couple. Looking forward to reading about your wedding prep and such.


At 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Decided to see this movie because you said it was good, and guess what?! I loved it. Anyway, glad to hear you found a place for the wedding. I'll call you soon. --Case


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