Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July

Considering that it is 7:45 am in the morning on this 4th of July...I can honestly say that this was already one of my favorite 4th of July holidays yet.

Sunday evening, our church social committee planned a 4th of July party which started out at 6:30 pm. Needless to say, the nightmare of party planners happened. 7:00 pm...and barely anyone had shown up! We were kinda disappointed...but oh, well.

Then..wouldn't you know it! Little by little...people started coming in. We were able to have our hotdog eating contest (the winner being the only girl sitting at the table which was soo awesome!), play our game...and, well...get on with the activity of the evening...FIREWORKS! Here are a couple pictures of the evening:

Sean being beat by a girl in an eating contest. Personally, I think he threw the competition in order to be able to eat more dessert. But ya know...who am I to know the complex mind of a competitive eater??? =)

Here's everyone playing a game at one of the six tables.

Ah yes...here are some of the fireworks. Man...you think you know some people from church... then give them some fireworks and a match and watch them transform.
Everyone had a really good time...especially at the end when "somebody" brought a couple illegal fireworks - the kinda that shoot off into the air and fan out looking all pretty.

That was July 2nd. On July 3rd, last night...we decided to get a couple people together for some grill-age of the hot dogs, burgers, and 'kabobs. Then, to pass the time away, we decided to do a couple fireworks. Yeah, the small Costco pack may seem small...but it isn't! We ended up doing fireworks for about an hour. There were some small sparks...loud bangs...and needless to say...some rogue shooters. Kristen may never be the same around fireworks again.

Here are some pictures:

Annette & Kristen - awww...don't they look all cute?!?!?!
Amy, Elizabeth & Ethan

Pretty fireworks...though I truly wasn't meaning for all my little pyro friends to do it on my LAWN! I'll check it this morning to make sure I don't have any bare spots. Oh, and if you were wondering...that's a nice flamable cardboard box they're setting these things off of.

Ah yes...the whole ONLY boyfriend (who has accident-prone qualities) and the fire thing didn't sit well in my stomach. I didn't know whether to watch just in case it was the last time I saw him...whole...or to not watch and keep whatever pictures of him I have in my mind...but ya know...what could you do?

A view from the OTHER side of the lawn so you could see the viewing area. I believe this was one I took before the rogue crazy-flying-firecracker came at us...mainly Kristen. That was one of the funniest moments of the evening...
Like mother like son!!!
Sean & Oreo Villar. Now...I blame the largeness of my cat mainly on Isaac. You can quote me on that! Isn't he cute, though??? I LOVE my cat!!!
All in all, although Amy's face doesn't show it...everyone had fun, and I'm sooooo glad we were all able to get together.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!!!


At 8:47 PM , Blogger Todd said...

It was an awesome Fourth and, somehow, everyone lived! (and not for lack of trying otherwise, let me tell you what!)

At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you said Eli came out of that whole experience with ALL his fingers and toes?!! I'm glad you got documentation to comemmorate the moment (but let's not test fate next time--you risky people)!


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