Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Where does the time go?

Okay, wow...its been forever since I've posted anything, and I'm so sorry!!!

I kinda-sorta lost my camera, which has since been found, however, since I haven't psted any pictures in a long time, well...my mission is to charge my new rechargeable batteries and then take pictures! =)

In the mean time, I thought I'd post a picture my dear cousin, Kimberly, took this last weekend.
Last weekend, Eli and I took off to Melbourne to hang out with my family there as well as their in laws and my Auntie Bing and Uncle Jerry from California. Apparently, they're here to scope out Florida as a possible place to retire. Okay...family isn't supposed to move here, I'm supposed to move OUT of Florida! Goodness gracious, people, get it right!!!

Anyways, while we were at Mrs. Baylen's house, they whipped out all these videos from the Vallejo children's choir and other things we did. We sure did a lot growing up! I saw videos of one of our Christmas cantatas (is that how you spell that?), Filipino campmeeting at Leoni Meadows talent show...church choir singing...we definitely weren't hurting in the extracurricular activities section of our lives while young.

It was really fun, though, to see what everyone looked like 15 years ago. The big glasses, the big hair, the puff sleaves, and the big bows tied around our neck for our choir uniforms. Oh, yes... good times...good times. :)

So life has been hectic lately. My friend who is getting married one week before me already has her dress, church, reception room, photographer...heck, she's already going to take her engagement pictures!!! What the heck...I'm sooo jealous!!! I'm so not there.

Would anyone look down on me if I admitted that I'm really not HAVING to do the wedding thing? I'm totally all for a package wedding! I can show up, put on the dress they hand me, walk down the aisle and stand before my friends and family with my man...say the vows, and have the officiant pronounce us man and wife. Then...we have a nice dinner and call it a day.

I know...I'm such a failure at being a chic.

Oh...one more thing about the wedding plans (sorry...but bear with me over the next 7-8 months), WE DON'T HAVE ANYONE TO MARRY US!

We don't have anyone we definitely want to marry us. We don't have a pastor that we're close to as a couple...we've both had pastors in and out of our lives...and the one pastor I wanted is unable to attend. Does anyone out there have the ability to marry us??? I'm envisioning "Joey" from the tv show, "Friends." =) Tell me you know what I'm talking about!?!?!?! =)

Okay, just because I haven't posted in a while doesn't mean I can ramble on forEVER...



At 11:48 PM , Blogger Mellie said...

My brother and sister-in-law had a non-paster friend marry them. I believe he got licensed just for their wedding, so it's a possibility to have your own Joey from friends. I hope that helps!

At 11:49 PM , Blogger Mellie said...

Oops, I just realized I accidentally misspelled pastor and Friends should have been capitalized. It's late...goodnight.

At 10:25 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

Remember Val, I'm going to marry you! I can get licensed on the internet ;)

At 7:46 PM , Blogger Rock Star said...

I think you should have Joey do. costume with blood on it and everything!

I don't blame you for not wanting to worry about the wedding planning. I went to a wedding the weekend before last and decided I definitely didn't want to do that.


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