Monday, November 13, 2006

Corn Maze

Yesterday, we went to Long & Scott's Corn Maze! There was something like this in California, but it sure wasn't made out of Corn! The weather is starting to get really nice, and it was so fun to be outdoors with friends...but, in a corn maze?!?!?!?! may ask

Here's a picture of Jeff, Kristen, Brennon & Brandy. This is a picture of us about halfway through where our two parties met on the "bridge" overlooking the corn maze.

I had to get a picture of Cowgirl Amy & Ghetto Sean - yes, it was much like this the whole way through.

..."their love was not a likely love, yet through all the odds, they persevered..."

Here's a picture of one of our fearless leaders - Ying-Tsin! It's still pretty weird seeing how high the corn stalks were. It wasn't the easiest of mazes since we didn't have very much direction on whether to turn right or left...whether to stay on the blue-lined path or go into the orange...and, of course, once we started the maze, that was when we all realized that we were hungry...or thirsty.

I must say, though, that thank goodness our group consisted of the people it did...I mean, could you imagine going through the group with more than one person strongly feeling as if we should've turned right instead of left...or gone straight? It could've been ugly!!!

But it was fine. We relied on our "leaders," and the rest of us had quite a nice walk through the maze.

Here's Ying-Tsin and me at one of the stations...
and a picture of Amy when we finally finished the course...about an hour and 20 minutes after starting.

All in all, I felt like a city girl in the country, more directionally-challenged than I like to admit I am...and hungry the whole time. I would, however, recommend it to the next person any day.


At 4:12 PM , Blogger Organized Chaos said...

That sounds like fun. There is one in Cali. It's in Rhonert Park and it is corn. My family went through it once.

Glad you had fun. Say hi to Eli for me.

At 12:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, Valerie!! Louie and I will have to check it out.

Miss you and hope the wedding plans are coming along well.

Talk soon (hopefully with news of our little angels coming home).



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