VH1's World Series of Pop Culture Tournament
I love pop culture, tv, movies, music, etc. I love to read celebrity gossip and look at the latest red carpet fashions. I am a movie buff, though I'm not a lover of scary movies. The husband marvels at how I can associate the extra on a movie with a tv commercial I saw a month ago!
Of course, I never thought knowing that type of useless knowledge could be beneficial...until now!
Last year, I discovered, towards the end of the tournament, VH1's World Series of Pop Culture. Teams of three square off one on one. One player from each team goes up against a player from the opposing team and answer questions from a category. The winner of the tournament comes away with the title of champion and $250,000.
Categories I've seen have been about Seinfeld, '80s songs, Quentin Tarantino movies, and movie/tv awards. I absolutely LOVE this tournament and was pleasantly surprised that my DVR automatically picked it up for my viewing pleasure!!!
Check it out sometime!
We should sign up for next year! Though I would not do very well. Except for questions about True Lies. ;) I bet we could come up with a great name though!
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