Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Pessimist's World

The world of a pessimist, what can I say?
It's bleak & hopeless, yet we live day to day.
"The grass is greener on the other side,"
Yet I'm sure when we get there, we'll find someone's LIED!

We can win the lotto for a million or more,
But all we'll think of is, "Taxes! What a chore!"
We can get promoted - more money! Sound great?
Nah...more work - gotta stay in late!

And love. Yes love - how could that be affected,
By living life so pessimist-ed?
I'll tell you how, I'll tell you why:
Because a pessimist shall never, ever TRY.

Yes, try. One thing we true pessimists won't do.
Why TRY when dissapointment follows you?
"Perfect," you say, "he is for me?"
Hmmm...let me think, no, we shall see!

His eyes, though kind and enveloping they are,
His smile, so comforting you don't want to stray far.
His manners, his laugh,


But in the end...alone always



At 8:17 AM , Blogger Todd said...

You have received the "Thinking Blogger Award!" For more information check out: Thinking Blogger Award

And yes, it's real. Congratulations!


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