Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Pessimist's World

The world of a pessimist, what can I say?
It's bleak & hopeless, yet we live day to day.
"The grass is greener on the other side,"
Yet I'm sure when we get there, we'll find someone's LIED!

We can win the lotto for a million or more,
But all we'll think of is, "Taxes! What a chore!"
We can get promoted - more money! Sound great?
Nah...more work - gotta stay in late!

And love. Yes love - how could that be affected,
By living life so pessimist-ed?
I'll tell you how, I'll tell you why:
Because a pessimist shall never, ever TRY.

Yes, try. One thing we true pessimists won't do.
Why TRY when dissapointment follows you?
"Perfect," you say, "he is for me?"
Hmmm...let me think, no, we shall see!

His eyes, though kind and enveloping they are,
His smile, so comforting you don't want to stray far.
His manners, his laugh,


But in the end...alone always


Thursday, March 08, 2007


I’m such a total grump…and a brat!

Does anyone remember that Uncle Arthur story about the little girl who was so nice and sweet to everyone outside the home, but when she got home, she was a total brat? The story goes on with her mom calling the little girl downstairs one day to help set the table, and the whole time she was downstairs, all the little girl did was complain, whine and mutter under her breath about having to help. When the table was set the mom comes out, looks at the table, then tells the girl to set another place at the table for their guest who was sitting in the next room the whole time the girl was complaining. The little girl turns to look in the next room only to see her favorite teacher from school looking at her as if she didn’t know who this little girl was in comparison to the sweet girl at school.

I think of that story…a lot. Why, you may ask? Because, unfortunately, I am that little girl. (Well, not literally, but you know what I’m saying)

I would hope that I keep my grumpy little girl in well, but I can’t lie to myself! I get irritable, I get tired, I get annoyed…I like when things go my way, I don’t like it when they don’t. I pout, I grumble…and unfortunately, I say things under my breath that just show how much of a meanie I can be!

I don’t like that “me.” That “me” sucks. I wish I was nice and sweet, kind and understanding ALL the time! Why can’t I be like that all the time?

*ugh*…anyways, thought I’d just get this off my chest so I don’t completely surprise any of you if the little grump ever gets out.