Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm Home!!!

It is about 6am in Florida, and I've been up for abut three hours! I woke up, tossed & turned, watched a little bit of tv, went to the neighborhood gym and exercised a bit, caught up on some email...and now, thought I'd post a sentence or four. Work is NOT going to be a pretty thing today.


it is so nice to be home! =)

I think I'll be able to be home for a bit, which, I must say, feels really good. Yesterday, after working a stint, I convinced three other guys to go watch The Illusionist with me. I saw it in Chicago, not realizing it was a limited release a couple weekends ago. Ever since then, I've been trying to get people to watch it with me since I LOVED IT, but unfortunately, it was only widely released last Friday. I was unsuccessful in persuading my dear brother to see it Saturday night, but last night, I was able to see it again, and I must say, I may go and see it again with a friend of mine.

Matinee, hopefully, but evening price, if that is the only time we can go. I wholly recommend this movie to all audiences. =)

Anyways, I'm glad to be home. This last weekend was definitely bittersweet, but at least, for now, life is good.

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!